
Firefighters of Montana

I was kinda curious to see who all is here in Montana. I was looking for a group and couldn't find one, so I figured i'd give it a try :) Looking forward to meeting you, Kimberly

Members: 41
Latest Activity: Mar 9, 2012

Hello :)

I was kinda curious to see who all is here in Montana. I was looking for a group and couldn't find one, so I figured I would give it a try :o) I have never managed a group before, so if you have any comments or suggestions, I would love to hear them... Also please feel free to start up some discussions, i tried on a few but could use a little help lol ;o)

Looking forward to meeting you,
Stay safe!

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Introduction of yourself...

Started by Kimberly A. Beatty. Last reply by Karla Kennedy-Zarn Apr 3, 2011. 4 Replies

Radio Problems

Started by Levi Hebert Dec 18, 2010. 0 Replies

Why did you become a firefighter?

Started by Kimberly A. Beatty. Last reply by 0fczvturtrvrs Dec 8, 2010. 6 Replies

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Comment by Ted C Hall on April 27, 2011 at 7:34am
Not getting a lot of activity, guess I'll have to seed it a little.
Just got through FF2 Wildlands, Single Resource Boss, and Engine Boss classroom training. Will be working on nailing down the task requirements on fires over the summer.
Our (Florence, MT) department picked up a few new cadets this spring and sitting in FF2 with my 14 year old son was seriously cool!
We had DNR trainers, Fire Science instructors from UM, well over 200 years of collective experience among our instructor cadre... One ICS Level 3 Incident Commander, several Engine Bosses, team leaders from two Hot Shot organizations, and retired firefighters with more than 30 years of experience each to share...
Not only was it intense classroom time, but for each situation we discussed someone had been there, done that (several times over) and could tell us WHY the standards and procedures came to be written the way they are today.
It was Good Stuff, now I just gotta nail down those Task Books on burns over the next six months!!!
What have you guys been doing?
Comment by Jennifer Croston on December 13, 2010 at 5:26pm
Hello from Helena.
Comment by Matt Nesius on March 18, 2010 at 7:29pm
Hello all, I wanted to invite you to check out a brand new site called Its a site for FFs to buy, sell and trade with other FFs, for free! Thanks, Stay safe!
Comment by FIRESCUVOL on January 3, 2010 at 12:16pm
I am with the Trego-Fortine _Stryker VFD and live near Fortine. My wife and I are usualy very active officers and try to make every call that we can. We usualy run only 25 to 30 calls but there is a litle bit of everything. I guess it might be tougher trying to stay fresh on all these skills when you dont use them regularly.Well I got to get motivated again. I am going to start school for paramedicine this semester if all goes as planned.
Comment by Ted C Hall on December 22, 2009 at 9:16pm
Just joined Florence Fire Department back in July. It's been interesting to say the least... For a wide spot in the road we're pretty well equipped and have a bunch of Fire/EMS qualified volunteers. Pulling folks out of wrecked cars is our winter job, wildfire in spring and backing the USFS when the big fires happen in summer is how we bought eight fire engines...
I'm mostly trained as an Engineer and working on my EMT-Basic license... Retired USAF in '92 and this is the most fun I've had since I hung up my uniforms!
Comment by Brandon Eichenlaub on October 17, 2009 at 12:53pm
Hey all, My name is Brandon and i am currently transfering fire departments from Cascade, MT down to Clinton, MT out by Missoula
Comment by Nikki C. Saunders on March 28, 2009 at 11:41pm
Hey Gang,
Well it has been awhile since I have been on here. Nothing really exciting lately. Pretty calm. We are expected to get another snow storm and hopefully, one of these days it wll dry out and get nice outside again. (I am so tired of snow)!!! I see I have a firefighter here that has become a member!!! It's nice to see a fellow firefighter from our dept. on here. Thanks Bob! Now only if we can get some more of the guys from the dept. to join. Wanna help me with that?
Well, I better get off of here and get my homework done. That's another thing I have started up. Going to school online and I love it!!
Anyways, take care of yourselves and give me a holler and let me know if anything is new and how you are all doing!! Take Care and God Bless you all!!! BE SAFE!!!!
Comment by Robert Solberg on February 1, 2009 at 9:41pm
know any firemen around billings area??
Comment by Steve Orr on December 15, 2008 at 1:04pm
I am glad to see so many people that I know here. I hope this site takes off. I think it is a great idea ot have a place where firefighters can network about the issues that are particular to Montana Firefighters.
Comment by Boice Atkinson on November 20, 2008 at 11:25pm
Did,nt know about this group glad to be a part of it I see my best frend is here My Wife you all be safe out there

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