"times are changing and its hard for many small departments to actively recruit members
because times are changing its much more important to veer away from hidebound standards.
you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to get our older members…"
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Gore Volunteer Fire Department/ Training Officer/ Lieutenant
Subligna Volunteer Fire Department/ Sergeant
My Training:
Georgia firefighter certified
PICO- Preparation for Initial Company Operations
STICO- Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations
DMICO- Decision Making for Initial Company Operations
HazMat Operations
NIMS 100, 200, 300, 700, 701, 702, 800
L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline
S-190, S-130- Georgia Basic Wildland firefighter
Wild land Squad boss
Wild land Engine Operator
S-212, Power Saws
S-211 Wildland Portable Pumps
S-233 Tractor/Plow Boss (Single Resource)
S-131 Firefighter 1 training
Crash Victim Extrication
Rescue Specialist
Traffic Incident Managemet
Rescue Systems 1- Fundamentals of Heavy Rescue
Firefighter Self Rescue and Mayday
About Me:
My name is Nick Hawkins. I've been in wildland firefighting since 2007. I've been a volunteer structural firefighter at Gore Fire Dept since 2009. On June 21 of 2012 I was employed by Rome Fire
Day Job:
Rome Fire Dept
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father was the biggest influence in my life. He is now a near retired wild land firefighter. He has done a lot in his life and I have been hanging on his coattail most of mine. I couldn't see myself doing any other job in the world. This is what I love.
Nicholas, Welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.