In today's times it is hard to find quality people to volunteer fire department. This discussion is to provide a chat where we can discuss different recruitment ideas.

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Mr. Lin, Thanks for joining in. I also am a professional firefighter. I work a 24/48 as a career firefighter so I volunteer on my off days. It is not about the money to most volunteers. It is about giving back to the community they are a part of. There are laws protecting the jobs of volunteer firefighters. If you cant respond to a call though thats fine. That is why you have to have more firefighters at a volunteer department than a career department

Jimmy Lin said:

Mr Hawkins,it's my honor to join this discussion.I am a professional fireman and also an USAR,both full time and paid by government.My question is,being a volunteer fireman,where to get paid?And if a voluneer fireman can not get paid,how to run his own family?The last question is,when a volunteer fireman is doing his own job(we assume he is a factory worker),and a fire happens,his boss tells him if he leaves in response of the fire,he lose his job and salary,should he go or just stay on the working position as told?I am looking forward to you reply.

times are changing and its hard for many small departments to actively recruit members

because times are changing its much more important to veer away from hidebound standards.

you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to get our older members to use a computerized system for reporting.

many of us are volunteers and have our own jobs and lives to lead. But we put aside much of our personal time to function in the department and aid our community. setting up department  tours and public functions takes time and funding. usually we can do this but when equipment and ppe are needed that takes precedence over everything.

on occasion we have people applying after some emergency events or during some public functions.

if we can we try to get JR. firefighters to join but must be extremely resolute to limit the hazards they may come into contact with and the activities they are allowed to participate in.

often this poses a quandry because you need to keep them occupied and interested.

this often leaves those of us who are or are near retirement age remaining.

then you have standards that must be complied with for legality purposes. such as clearances, participation, and in many departments, physical condition standards.


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