Mike Walker
  • Oklahoma City, OK
  • United States
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  • Peter F. Kertzie
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Mike Walker's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Battalion Chief / Division Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Oklahoma City
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
This is the greatest job in universe. Every day is as exciting as the first day I came on the job.
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I always like helping people and I always liked a changing environment. The fire service was a perfect fit.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
duhhh, fighting fire

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Mike Walker's Blog

Somewhere In the Middle or Just On the Fence

Posted on May 3, 2009 at 8:26pm 5 Comments

Over the last couple of weeks a tremendous amount of blogs have been posted and comments given about a recent speech given at the 2009 FDIC conference. Lt. Ray McCormack from FDNY stood in front of thousands and spoke to the culture war that is raging in our midst. He spoke about a culture of fear vs. a culture of extinguishment. What I gained from his dialogue was the fire service must remember our reason for existence, the people we serve. If the organization whose purpose it is to perform… Continue

To Lead or Not to Lead? That is the Question

Posted on February 23, 2008 at 10:43pm 8 Comments

I am a huge fan of books about leadership. In fact, I own more then a dozen books on the topic. I especially love the good one liner's that come out of books these books but that really isn't why I'm writing this blog. I'm here today pondering different management/leadership styles company officers use and how those styles fare.

I won't bore you with my version of the different types of leaders that I have encountered, at least not right now. What I want to stress is the importance… Continue

The Realization of a Dream

Posted on February 16, 2008 at 7:59am 2 Comments

Hey what do you know. I made it. On February 15, 2008 I was promoted to District/Battalioin Chief. I report tommorrow to my new assignment. My district has 130 apartment complexes, 18 nursing homes, approximately 20 high-rises, the city's most exclusive housing edition and the heaviest traffic in town. I'm so friggin excited I can hardly keep my seat.

I've been around long enough to know that when you attempt achieve something that the risk of failure is possible and I've had my… Continue

On the Edge of Realizing a Dream

Posted on February 15, 2008 at 9:24am 0 Comments

The last blog I posted a couple of days ago I let everyone know that I was about to participate in a Chief's assessment center. The good news is that I did well in the assessment. The better news is that in a couple of hours I will sit for a final interview with my Chief and the remainder of the Command Staff.

Ofcourse I'm optomistic and excited and nervous all at the same time. I hope I get my bugles.

Thanks to my Nation friends who wished me well and for all of the words… Continue

Well Today is the Day

Posted on February 13, 2008 at 8:27am 2 Comments

In a short while I will be leaving the house to participate in an assessment center for District/Battalion Chief for my department. To say I'm excited would be an understatement. I've been working for this for such a long time and today I get to show them I've got what it takes to cut the mustard.

I can't help but think of all the people that have helped me prepare for this test, those that have helped shape my career and the support I've recieved from the guys at the station. It's a… Continue

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At 8:05am on May 8, 2009, Peter F. Kertzie said…
I haven't seen that folding ladder. I have pondered your question before. If I had to get a job done and thought that I could do it in a safe way even though it may not match what we are taught, I would do it. In training first and then maybe at a fire.

I have hooked a roof ladder on a roof ladder and then tied it off. I have used an extension ladder from the ground and up the roof at a very low angle (Matching the roof pitch). The ladder would be mechanically footed. There is a thirty foot roof ladder available. You would of course need a long rig to put it on.

The most common solution that my old crew has done tons of times is work from the ridge down via aerial. We carry a six foot roof ladder on the top fly (Along with our twenty foot double ended ladder). Usually we are venting at the highest point so we don't necessarily have to come down to the gutter line. So the roof ladder does not have to match the length of the roof.

You could bounce your folding ladder off of the manufacturers, but they are very conservative and don't really like to change anything.

Who did your assessment center?
At 9:38pm on April 29, 2009, Jared Williams said…
Hey Chief thisis Jared Williams from Lawton. Just wanted to drop you a line and say hi and thanks for all of your help last November.
At 7:53am on October 13, 2008, Native_Firecracker said…

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At 7:11am on September 24, 2008, FireCat said…
At 10:48pm on June 5, 2008, SLIM said…
At 10:05pm on May 12, 2008, Mick Mayers said…
Heard Chuck saw you on the national news. Hope you all are staying safe. I looked for an internet link but the file wouldn't load...

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