Well another season of harsh politicing for the best and worst postitions a person could want have come to a close.
Yes, I'm talking about running for anything from a chief's position down to the appointment of captians and other officers.
So this year had a bit more of a twist since I was running for chief of my department.And I was running againt an older somewhat more seasoned firefighter who has alot of leadership skills and a list of credentials a mile long. What was my edge? Maybe the turnout of possible voters at the election meeting.Maybe the fact that this person was very sure of himself,and that he campaigned hard for four months and I just kind of went on the silent approch,or the option that I truely hope is true, that I have the respect of the firefighters that belong to my company.
One of the things that bother me,is that the person I ran against was someone that I respect as a person and as a firefighter.
But I did have some help as I said, I had much support from a bunch of great firefighters who believe in me. I only hope I do right by each and everyone of them.
This is also a thank you to the officers I worked with as an assistant chief and will continue to work with me in my new position. I intend on continuing the great things that have been brought into play and are regular proceedures as well as some new exciting ideas I have of my own.
So in closing...thank you to my brothers and sisters of the Kingsbury Vol. Hose Co. # 1 for the oppertunity to lead such a fine group as we continue our journey along this highway of life.
I pleadge to try and always make the fairest and wisest judgements and to bring everyone home safely from every alarm.
Be safe.

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Comment by John on December 24, 2008 at 10:20pm
well spoken jim u r a hero and a mentor 2 me keep up the good work :)
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on December 14, 2008 at 12:41pm
Nicely done Jim.

FYI I think I got your propane class approved. Just have to clear it with the Propane Assn.
Comment by Jenny Holderby on December 14, 2008 at 2:30am
Spoken like a true Chief. Congratulations!
Comment by Jim Brunelle Jr. on December 13, 2008 at 5:26pm
Thanks Bro!
Comment by CJ Knapp on December 13, 2008 at 4:37pm
Hi Jim... I just want to take this time to congratulate you on your success... Not only do I respect you as a leader but consider you a close friend... I look forward to working with you, and the rest of the guys, and gals of the Kingsbury F.D..... See ya at the "BIG ONE"!!!!

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