I have decided to keep a rolling list of injuries due to "NOT" wearing a seatbelt. Maybe one day we'll Learn.

OK, so maybe we need a little more enlighting on this subject since it is still happening, people we need to use our heads here, and for godsake take two seconds to "CLICK IT"! This is where I will post bad things that happen for not wearing a seatbelt. These post are mainly from "The Secretlist "@ Firefighterclosecalls.com.
I have posted thier disclaimer to relieve any legal issues and to eliminate the possibility of being deleted for illegal postings.


USE OF INFORMATION FROM FirefighterCloseCalls.com and The Secret List should be passed along to FIREFIGHTERS and those who support (or are supposed to support!) us! Credit shall be given to www.firefighterclosecalls.com and if you are truly committed to firefighter safety, that should be no problem. If you aren't, and you don't give us credit and try to prostitute this stuff as your own, we'll find you and expose you. We Promise. Odd's are... our mailing list is bigger than yours!

Camden County (Georgia) Firefighter John Glenn was seriously injured this morning in a crash while operating a 3,000 gallon water tanker. FF Glenn was returning to his firehouse after completing training in Woodbine, GA, when his unit was involved in a single vehicle rollover. The crash, which occurred at 1049 hours, was found by a passing motorist who called 911. FF Glenn had been ejected and found on the side of the road lying in the ditch. Camden County F/R treated and stabilized FF Glenn's injuries and he was taken by helicopter to a Jacksonville hospital. The cause of the crash is under investigation. At the time of this release, FF Glenn was listed in stable condition and was still undergoing tests.

I felt this was worthy of adding because these firefighters were using thier heads,
3 Asheville (N.C.) Firefighters were slightly hurt, but no serious injuries, after the apparatus they were responding in lost control and flipped on its side this morning. The pumper was en route to an automatic fire alarm when the crash happened around 0600 hours. They were traveling eastbound when it lost control, left the right side of the road and struck two telephone poles and two parked cars. The truck reentered the roadway and flipped onto its passenger side. The 3 Firefighters on the apparatus were buckled in and escaped serious injury. What caused the truck to lose control remains under investigation but it was going down a hill, in the rain. The apparatus sustained significant damage.

MO. APPARATUS RESPONDING-FF EJECTED: Around 0500 hours this morning, a Lebanon Rural FD (MO) engine company was responding to a structure fire when they rolled over in Laclede County (MO) critically injuring one Firefighter. A total of 4 Firefighters were in the apparatus and it is reported that 3 of them had safety belts on, but the one Firefighter who did not was thrown from the apparatus and was pinned under the apparatus for around 30 minutes prior to extrication.

The Secret List - www.FireFighterCloseCalls.com [http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/]
It is with deep regret that we advise you that a Firefighter (Father) was killed
in the Line of Duty, and 2 others were injured yesterday afternoon after being
involved in a head-on crash with his FF Son. Some media reports are reporting that
both were killed, but we can't confirm that yet.
Firefighter John C. Myers, 61, of Pittsburg (OK) was driving a Wesley FD apparatus
at 1520 hours when he crashed with his son, Juston Myers, 31, of Pittsburg. The
2 were involved in fighting the grass fire and collided due to heavy smoke and poor
John C. Myers, the Firefighter/Father was trapped in the fire apparatus for over
1½ hours and was pronounced dead at the scene. Juston Myers, the Firefighter Son,
was driving his pickup truck, suffered trunk and external injuries and was treated
at the scene. FF Juston Myers' passenger, FF Clayton Rice, 30, was taken to a nearby
hospital with head, leg and arm injuries. Seat belts were not in use in either vehicle.
Initial reports are that there was so much smoke clouding the rural roads that the
two never saw each other and collided head on. Updates to follow.
As always, our sincere condolences to all affected-especially the Wesley FD and
the Myers Family.

An apparatus crash in Vermont at 1311 hours today killed Volunteer Firefighter 55-year old FF Kenneth Frizzell of the Charleston VFD in the Line of Duty. He lost his life when the fire apparatus rolled as he was returning from a run, lost control on a steep hill and hit a telephone poll. FF Frizzell was tragically ejected from the apparatus and died at the scene. FF Frizzell was the only occupant in the vehicle. Witnesses of the crash observed the apparatus to be traveling at a unusual speed for the steep grade of the road prior to the crash.

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Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on January 4, 2009 at 6:43pm
Mike (EngineCo913) just posted this comment today in a blog (copied here without his permission, but I don't think he'll mind)
We see Tanker roll-overs caused by excessive speed. (History has shown us that drivers training should be paramount and is mandated for Tanker (or Tender) twice a year in most states. In a large quantity of these accidents seat belts were not worn. Face facts, it's 2009 now. Can you tell me why ANYONE who is in a fire apparatus ISN'T wearing a seat belt? Does not wearing one aid you in ANY way? I know the nay-sayers always have the "I need to get my PPE on" answer, but in the real world the 2 minutes or less that it takes to get your PPE on at the station BEFORE entering the apparatus in most cases is just fine.
Comment by Jim Brunelle Jr. on January 4, 2009 at 11:48am
It's still happening.....wtf?
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on December 26, 2008 at 5:04pm
I signed Engineco913's pledge some time back but continue to wonder why people don't buckle up... And this includes both as a driver or passenger in a moving vehicle. The simple physics involved causes things that are not strapped or anchored to be ejected outside of a moving vehicle, compounded by windows that explode as the vehicle rolls, enabling larger items like people to just another item thrown from the vehicle. The next problem is where you are going to land and where the vehicle is going to stop... Local high school kids a couple of nights ago where I live crashed and rolled their vehicle. Out of four passengers, only two had their seat belts on and they survived with minor injuries. The other two not wearing seatbelts resulted in one kids being killed on scene and the other on life support but brain dead. Not buckling your seatbelt is the same as saying that you are prepared to roll the dice and maybe... for the last time. Beat the odds, wear your seatbelt...
Comment by Jim Brunelle Jr. on June 28, 2008 at 6:40pm
Bravo's Engineco913, very well put, thanks for your support.
Comment by Engineco913 on April 5, 2008 at 8:14am
Great idea Jim!!!

In 2007, 12 firefighters were killed in the line of duty without their seat belt on; 300 in the past 30 years. There has been no discipline or penalties or accountability for their deaths. (firehouse.com "Firefighters Have to get Killed; it's Part of the Job" )
This of course doesn't speak about the numerous injuries and careers ended from lack of seat belt useage. As I stated when I created the pledge on here and watched the numbers grow (and eventually taper off) I am on board with getting law makers to make seat belt useage law for EVERYONE.
Through the pledge we have seen some people agree to all of the pledge and yet put a side notation that they don't and won't wear a seat belt. It amazes me that a 2 second operation will save your life, but when your not wearing it ad you get in a MVA your bound to either get hurt or killed. Hmmm Life, or spend 2 seconds to buckle up. The decision is simple, BUCKLE UP
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on April 4, 2008 at 11:49pm
Here's the thing....seatbelt use is something that needs to start small....in the myriad departments across NYS and the United States. Knowing that you're doing your part makes me feel that the message isn't lost.
If we could get just one line officer in every department in NY focused and committed to using seatbelts....I can't help thinking that maybe a change would come....
Glad you're helping me in my mission. It IS what I live and breathe.
You rock.
Comment by Jim Brunelle Jr. on April 4, 2008 at 11:46pm
I know it is, that's why I started it.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on April 4, 2008 at 11:38pm
And yet? According to the good men and women of the fire service...this type of commentary isn't needed, because we're all 100 feet tall and bullet proof (and immune to blunt force trauma resulting from an MVA)---it makes my heart hurt to know that there are so many unneccessary deaths stemming from the lack of seatbelt usage.
thanks for posting this...it's near and dear to me.

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