Jamie Martin
  • Female
  • Gillette, WY
  • United States
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Jamie Martin's Friends

  • Damon S. Hopper
  • Joshua Gumpenberger
  • Daniel James Price
  • James Shoemaker
  • Brent A. Ellis
  • sinangote
  • Joe B
  • Donnie Strickland
  • Kevin Pugh
  • kevin
  • neil wood
  • wampa
  • Thursday7
  • Jose L. Gonzalez
  • adel

Jamie Martin's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Past: VFD- Reeder, North Dakota
My Training:
Unfortunately at the mine we only get to train once a month, sometimes, if we are lucky, they will send us to fire schools, and in the summer, we opt to train for a couple of days each month where we can bring our families for "after training" activities, to help get to know each other, who we are, where we came from, introducing the fam is a very good thing. Since cutbacks at the mine though, our fire schools etc,. have been cut out, but there are some of us who go anyway. It's worth it!!
About Me:
I'm just a down to earth gal who enjoys life to it's fullest. I love my kids, my family, my friends. I get to be a part of something amazing by being involved with EMS/Fire/Rescue.
Day Job:
Equipment Operator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am on the rescue team at the mine where I work. And the more you are in this field of Fire/EMS, the more addicting it is. My boyfriend is also on the rescue team, plus on the VFD in his hometown, so sharing the same interest has done nothing but feed and encourage my commitment. I guess it's just a feeling of giving something of yourself and an amazing sense of worth and value and knowing you are doing something worthwhile and making a difference


Hey everyone.....I just wanted to say thanks for all the compliments and all the adds. I feel pretty honored being on this site with such amazing people! You all have made me feel really good:).........no one can even begin to understand "brotherhood" until they are involved in Fire/EMS.....you all are kick ass! amazing!! and such hero's....STAY SAFE OUT THERE AND GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!!!!

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At 8:33am on October 19, 2009, adel said…
My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at adel_pomper@hotmail.com or leave me a comment
At 9:24am on June 25, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
Thanks for the add Sis. sorry it has taken me so long to answer but things have been crazy here. Hoping all is well with and for you. be safe
At 12:39pm on June 13, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
Really like your tattoo be safe out there Sis! & God bless!
At 8:54am on June 10, 2009, CHIEF NORMAN said…
Jamie thanks for the add and great job with your page...Be safe out there and I tilt my helmet to ya maam...
At 12:56pm on May 14, 2009, Arthur T. Kline said…
Nice tattoo!! Mine huh! That must prove to be some interesting work. Welcome to The Nation!
At 10:42pm on April 22, 2009, James Shoemaker said…
Thanks for adding me stay safe and stay in touch.
At 12:05pm on April 20, 2009, adel said…
Hey girl, how ya been? Everything has been good in Arkansas. Stay safe!
At 3:17pm on April 13, 2009, Jake Fireman said…
Nice Ink
At 3:07pm on April 8, 2009, sinangote said…
Welcome to the FFN im from phillippines
At 2:52pm on April 8, 2009, FatUglyFireman said…
Hi Jamie Welcome to the Nation. I'm from Rapid City SD not to far away. Have fun

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