Gordon "Gopher" Runer
  • Male
  • New Mexico
  • United States
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Gordon "Gopher" Runer's Friends

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Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the realization that there is something more important than fear.

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 an a half
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Tucumcari Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
1 and a half
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Conservancy District 1, Quay County, New Mexico
My Training:
About Me:
Well first off i guess i should tell you all my nickname that i have had since first entering the fire service. Its Gopher, its a play on my last name being Runer and running to get stuff. Well it stuck and there are some guys on the department that cant seem to remember me by anything but that which is perfectly ok with me. It gets kind of amusing sometimes. Right now Im just going to college and fighting fire. If you want to know anything else just ask.
Day Job:
College student
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
At first it was just for something to do and for the adrennaline rush but now it has changed to a love for the fire service and a love for helping my community.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people during some of their most trying times.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The lack of people willing to give their time to do the job.

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Gordon "Gopher" Runer's Blog

Life as a small town volunteer #5

Posted on February 25, 2009 at 1:32am 0 Comments

So just a couple of things that have happened to me recently. I was finally able to get into an EMT-Basic class and tonight was the start of the third week. I have been waiting for this class for a year and a half. I am hoping that I am able to learn all that I need in class. The lady that is teaching the class isn’t the best teacher in the world. She tends to skip words that are too long or too hard to say. Then there are some people that are in the class that insist on bringing their three… Continue

Life as a small town volunteer #4

Posted on February 19, 2009 at 1:32am 1 Comment

It was my express privilege and honor this week to travel to Clayton, NM to stand in for their fire department. The Tucumcari Fire Department Deputy Chief and I represented our department. There were a couple of firefighters from Texline, TX and one from Sedan, NM that came and brought a couple of pieces of apparatus. An ambulance and crew came out of Folsom, NM to cover on the EMS side. The reason that we all traveled to Clayton was so that the Clayton Fire & Recue department could bury… Continue

Life as a small town volunteer #3

Posted on January 6, 2009 at 3:00pm 4 Comments

Death... Something that we as firefighters have to deal with. A part of the job. There isn't any way to become used to it. If it no longer effects you then maybe a different line of work is in store for you. In the short time that I have been a part of the fire service I cannot or should I say that I do not want to remember those scenes that I have been on where someone has lost their life. Thankfully none of these has been a fellow firefighter and I hope to never experience that loss. There… Continue

Life as a small town volunteer #2

Posted on December 16, 2008 at 12:30am 0 Comments

So I just posted a discussion about the one call that got you hooked on fighting fire. I will go into a little more detail on what call got me hooked.

It was in October of 2005 that the rural department that i was on got paged out for a mutual aid for a grass fire. It was a clear warm day but the wind was steadily up around 20 -25 mph with some gusts of up to 40 mph. It was perfect weather for a grass fire to get out of hand in a hurry. We took two brush trucks and one engine for… Continue

Life as a small town volunteer #1

Posted on December 15, 2008 at 3:04am 3 Comments

So I am new to FFN and still "wet behind the ears" relatively in the fire service. I live and go to school in a small town of about 6000. I guess you could say that I had always thought of being a firefighter but I had never pursued the idea until moving here for college. I am what some would call an adrenaline junky ( snow skiing, water skiing, riding ATVs,would like to skydive and bungee jump). I go to a college with a rodeo team and I had always wanted to try to ride a bull. Mom would never… Continue

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At 11:24pm on January 7, 2009, Charles Lawrence said…
Hey Gopher, Keep us posted on how things go about getting the department to become accountable.
At 10:58pm on December 19, 2008, Stephen Russell said…
Thank you for the comment it means alot to me.
At 9:34am on December 15, 2008, LEO AFD389NY said…

At 3:54pm on December 9, 2008, krys said…
well, come on back and visit sometime then :)
At 10:05pm on December 7, 2008, Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P said…
Welcome to the Nation from Amarillo . Enjoy the site and stay safe .

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