  • Baltimore, MD
  • United States
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Michael's Friends

  • Nathan Williams
  • Brian J.
  • Fire Hawg
  • brian white
  • Battalion 13 Chief
  • Tom Bouthillet
  • FFtrainer
  • Cory
  • RES*8*CUE
  • Troy Hipsley
  • Rusty
  • Sean Rohrer
  • Dustin Amtower
  • Phillip
  • Frank


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Michael's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
21 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Baltimore City Fire Department, Baltimore Maryland
Years With Department/Agency
21 Years
My Training:
FF III, Fire Officer I, Rescue Tech, Haz-Mat Tech, Truck Ops, EVOC,NIMS,EMT-B,
About Me:
To be a Firefighter is a noble calling. I could not imagine doing anything else. I have truly been blessed with the honor of working with some of the best. When it’s all on the line, I will be with you and you with me. Stay safe and stay low!
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help save lives and property.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The feeling you get when you save a life.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of funds for the fire and EMS service.

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Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 7:42am on December 9, 2011, brian white said…

doing great! hoping you have a great Christmas!!

At 2:08pm on November 14, 2011, Robert Nichols said…

Hey brother hope your doing great haven't from ya so thought would say hello I am on facebook as well so look me up and take care.

At 1:51pm on May 23, 2011, Robert Nichols said…
Doing great Brother still working hard anyway.Well I hope that you are doing fine? Take care of yourself
At 7:29am on April 9, 2011, brian white said…
about four years ago the only paid dept around was hiring so i filled out the app.then i was invited to take there agility test(which just about killed me,man was i outta shape)and actually got an interview .i kinda talked my way out of the job cause i would have had to take a huge pay cut!i sometimes kick myself but that's life.
At 7:54am on April 8, 2011, brian white said…
we aren't in the same universe!last year we had something like 35-40 runs total. mostly car accidents . we have a separate rescue squad that takes care of ambulance and extrication, i volunteer on for them also.in fact our squad covers more square miles than any other squad in all of Michigan.
At 6:54pm on April 7, 2011, brian white said…
i agree! i was just appointed training officer for my dept.we are a very small dept low run volume. trying to get guys to show up for training is the hardest thing?being that we don't run that much scares the crap outta me cause that's how someone will get killed.we actually only have a hand full of guys that are trained to FF1 level. that leaves the lions share of the work to a few of us.as the the new TO i have a big job ahead of me!not sure how to share my enthusiasm with the rest of the guys and get those that don't have training , trained!
At 8:44am on April 6, 2011, brian white said…
just watched that video, wow!I would think jumping would have been better than burning. was he stuck on something? as for the rest of his crew, where were they,? did that dept only have one ladder? at one point there were six guys on that one ladder!it was sad to see the one guy trying to help was without an scba.there's a lot that i don't understand about that video, i would like to have it translated to know what exactly the thinking on that fiasco was!
At 8:22am on April 5, 2011, brian white said…
inside our little "city" we do have hydrants, but 90% of our fire are in the county. this a shuttle training with mutual aid depts.trying to get away from the old,' our dept is better than your dept"syndrome! we have to work together!
At 8:02pm on April 1, 2011, brian white said…
hey Michael,
yep keep the prayers coming im still in remission and holding strong! thanks for your faithfulness in praying !i greatly appreciate it!!
At 2:35pm on February 24, 2010, Robert Nichols said…
Hey hows it going hope all is still well with you.Bet your keeping busy and getting into lots of stuff.I am on face boon too so look me up there if you have one.Have a great rest of the week,Take care an God Bless.

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