Dean Hawkins
  • Male
  • Cairns Queensland
  • Australia
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Dean Hawkins's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Other Fire Department, Emergency Management
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, Training Officer, Captain
Years in Fire/EMS:
26 years
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
advance Diploma in Public Safety Fire Management
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love what we do...

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At 5:14am on May 19, 2010, Arron said…
Hey mate

Thanks for adding me. Cops and Firies, I dont stop playing haha, One uniform to the other and I wouldnt have it any other way. Hows things up north? I went up to surfers a couple of months ago and all I got was rain, and plenty of it.

Stay safe mate
At 10:03am on April 6, 2010, GFDone said…
Hey Deano,
Guess who I just heard from? My old friend from Victoria, Leo Cartwright! You were right, he was just fine. He said 'he wasn't traveling to well' whatever that means. Thanks for the reasurring words.
Hows things in 'your neck of the woods'? We've been fighting high winds here but lucky very few fires.
At 11:05pm on January 17, 2010, Dean Hawkins said…
gday Marty

Im sure he`s fine brother

aussies can be a little.. as we say `she`ll be right` another word for casual

Thinking about the New York games.. so might see you there cobber
At 10:56pm on January 17, 2010, GFDone said…
Thanks Deano, I'm just worried about him cause I hadn't heard from him in quite a while. Take care brother and drop a line to me here in the states anytime.
At 11:01pm on December 31, 2009, Dean Hawkins said…
hey Angela

I agree.. a tough one

But then again the biggest killer of firefighters on the job, is.... heart attack

Still, my point to Scott was public perception of our service by what a individual looks like, goes beyond tattoos.

Being young or new is not a choice to our rookies, they have to do their time and learn.

But being out of condition, unfit or over weight.. I believe is a life style choice. One in which I think almost contridicts public perception of a firefighter, and also flies in the face of fire service practise or policy.

Its a tough one.. but tattoos? well thats a easy one.

Like the unfit or out of condition firies, can they get the job done well, efficiently and safely.

But Scotts point was.. public perception and representing your service through appearance.

Once again, to me `a no brainer`

great subject though


At 10:44pm on December 31, 2009, Angela McCleskey said… you I wonder the same thing about the over weight Firefighter's and EMT's....and we do have them, I don't see where it should be a problem, but think of having to crawl through a small opening, and the OVER WEIGHT FF or EMT is all that's on the scene? What happens? I have seen more out of shape than in all area's of this field, rescue, ff, and ems. But if you can do the job, what does it matter? Do you hire a person who has more experience or one who is in shape and a possible rookie and thinks they know everything? It's a no win situation.

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