CPT Chris RN
  • Littleton
  • United States
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CPT Chris RN's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Flight for Life Colorado
Years With Department/Agency
Just started, 6.5years at St.Anthony's
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Amherst Fire Dept, Amherst, Mass
Shelburne Rescue Squad, Shelburne, Vermont
Colchester Rescue Squad, Colchester, Vermont
My Training:
NREMT-Basic, US Air Force Flight Nurse(Captain), Civilian Flight Nurse.I've collected every initial(BLS, ACLS, etc) except NREMT-P and NRP. Will be working on my certifications now that I'm on FLights.
About Me:
See past departments. spent 6yrs in Vermont doing the volly EMT thing, got my EMT-I, made it thru Nursing School, got my BSN. While in School, worked Call Force for Amherst Fire, had a blast. Moved to Colorado, did 3yrs nite shift in the Cardiac ICU, deployed to the sandbox in 2002, came back, did another deployement to Germany in 2004, came back, moved to our Level 1 ER-worked a year there, deployed again to Scott AFB, came back and did 2years Float ICU. Now I just started Flights.
Day Job:
Flight Nurse with the FIRST HEMS program(1972)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because I felt like a stupid idiot in 1987 when I came across a head-on collision and couldn't do anything for the little girl who had an obvious broken tib-fib. Now I'm a Flight Nurse in Denver.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Getting to drive a really cool truck, or flying around Colorado in an A-Star.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Getting Congress to pull their heads out of their crevices and fund prehospital/fire programs the way they should be.

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CPT Chris RN's Blog

Popped my Cherry!

Posted on February 23, 2008 at 5:55pm 2 Comments

Now that's a weird title, but how else can I sum it up on Thursday up in Summit Cty? I got my first intubation and my first helicopter ride. I had a 74yr old cva patient who had a significant subdural with a midline shift who per the accepting neurosurgeon was about to go into cardiac arrest. I got my first non-O.R. intubation(albeit a learning moment), I pulled up all the RSI meds my partner was to give and I got him tubed!!! That was pretty cool....then packaging him for a quick flight to… Continue

Children's Hospital-Denver

Posted on February 16, 2008 at 8:26pm 0 Comments

Here's the latest in my climb from mere Super Float ICU Nurse to one of Colorado's finest Flight Nurses. I spent thurs/friday at The Children's Hospital-Denver doing my pediatric rotation. I think it was back in 1998/1999 that I did my ped's rotation at the Shriner Hospital in western Mass, so I was a bit aprehensive going into this. If you have ever dropped off kiddos at the Children's Hospitals across the country- you know how wonderful they are. It comes down to kids needing a kids hospital.… Continue

Keeping a Blog

Posted on February 13, 2008 at 10:26pm 0 Comments


I've never done this before. But what the heck- I'll start now. So I've been pretty excited starting with Flight for Life Colorado. This past week I've spent Mon/Tues at Littleton's Hospital on the OB floor watching deliveries. I'll sum it up with placentas are gross. But one mom delivered twins and that was pretty cool. Then one of my coworkers who's 34wks pregnant came in and that was different. I stayed away, kept some distance but said my hello and chatted for a bit. No… Continue

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At 2:25pm on November 8, 2009, Lou Sclafani said…
I created a new Group here on FFN that you might be interested in joining, Snow Skiing Firefighters. Would love to have you join.
At 1:09pm on January 16, 2009, Susie Young said…
Ever thought about coming to Utah??I am VP at a staffing agency in Salt Lake City.Have contacts at U of U ??
Have working with flight teams in Lake Powell for 6 years .
Lets start a dialog.
At 5:50pm on March 17, 2008, cowgirlmedic said…
At 2:25pm on February 17, 2008, Kait said…
NIMS is National Incident Management Systems...it's an OSHA requirement...and actually there are many more classes but they are more for officers. 100, 200, and 700 are mandatory for us little pions...haha..
At 8:46pm on February 16, 2008, Marie said…
yeah i know the other part is tylenol.... i'm trying to just take 1 1/2 of the vico 7.5/750 pills and just take the whole 15/1500 when im sleepins........ no prob on the bein a nurse part :) better to have too many people reminding you about stuff than not enough people :)

my biggest problem right now is just sharp pain over where the 3 incisions are, which considering the circumstances i figure is pretty good as a chief complaint.
At 8:17pm on February 16, 2008, Marie said…
heh, i am DEFINITELY on the vicodin cloud :) they have me taking vicodin 15/1,500 every 3 hrs, its insane... all i do is take vicodin naps.... which is good, all i do is eat, nap, have the ice circulation machine runnin, and have the knee extender/flexer machine on..... get a break from PT for a full week then its back to evil pt :)

thanks for the well wishes!!!! :)
At 2:00pm on February 16, 2008, Donald L. Long said…
hey sounds like your doing great,sorry Im Army all the way.Was a Cav Trooper in the Nam,but hey to each his own,Cool place to live, would love to go there some day.Flying is cool what your flying is great Take care be safe....Later Don
At 3:11am on February 16, 2008, Kait said…
It's not easy staying warm lately...Mother Nature thinks it's funny to let it be 25-30 degrees one day and then -20 the next!!! I HATE WINTER!!! hahahaha...
At 9:14pm on February 13, 2008, Marie said…
thanks for the add :)
At 2:52pm on February 13, 2008, Donald L. Long said…
sorry look like it in the one pic, so where are you stationed?

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