Mike France

Firefighting Chaplains


Firefighting Chaplains

This group is for all members of our Community , regardless of your Religious Background , Chaplains perform many duties with in our Service

Members: 71
Latest Activity: Jan 10, 2017

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Resources for Wives

Started by Lori Hicks Mercer Jun 11, 2012. 0 Replies

Hi Chaplains, I run FirefighterWife.com and we often talk about PTSD and the weight of the tragedy our husbands see on duty.  Can you point us to any resources for us as wives / family and that we…Continue

Tags: firefighterwife

Resources for creating a Fire Dept. Chaplain Program

Started by Bill B Zilar. Last reply by Bill B Zilar Jun 5, 2012. 6 Replies

Merry Christmas!  I am looking for resources, printed materials, guidelines, suggestions, program outlines, etc. to educated myself and others on the purpose, mission, goals, and operational…Continue

What do you need from your chaplains?

Started by William C. Fleenor. Last reply by William C. Fleenor Dec 21, 2010. 6 Replies

Realizing that the chaplaincy is service support oriented and not a venue for recruiting church members what do you want or need from your chaplains that is (or is not) currently being met?

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Comment by William C. Fleenor on January 17, 2011 at 9:37pm
A response was sent off list.

The courses will be listed later
Comment by William Allan Milfred Harper on January 17, 2011 at 8:53pm
I would like to get some information on courses that would help me
be a better fire chaplain . My e - mail mharper8@cogeco.ca
Comment by William C. Fleenor on January 9, 2011 at 6:25pm
Latest activity in the group is listed as 6 JAN. Where is the comment or question located?

My last entry that I can locate is 28 DEC.
Comment by William C. Fleenor on December 28, 2010 at 9:02pm
Off-line response sent to Chief France.
Comment by William C. Fleenor on December 21, 2010 at 10:44pm
How is everyone holding up this Holiday Season?

We had our first (victim) double fatality this morning one of which was an 11 year old boy.

What goes through the veteran's and new firefighter's mind as they come to grips with tragedies such as this. One component here is the dwelling was already fully involved as the first unit arrived.

Please share your thoughts on this ....
Comment by Al Mozingo on December 21, 2010 at 9:37am

Here's another:

By Al Mozingo

Do you believe there is a God? Most people will say of course, “I do.” Okay, if you believe there’s a God. What is your relationship with him? Are you getting to know him? Do you try to get closer to him? It has been said we will only be as close to God as we choose to be. How close to God do you choose to be?

We are all on a journey in this life. We will encounter challenges and opportunities during that journey. Some people seem to move with the tide, going back and forth with no apparent destination in mind. What is your destination at the end of your journey?

Okay, let us say you have determined what your destination is to be. The next question is: How am I going to get there? Often that journey is started by taking one step at a time. It is also influenced by our choice of what road to take. Am I choosing the opportunities that will help to take the right road? Or do I make decisions that make it more difficult? Am I my own worst enemy by what I choose? Am I choosing the wrong road?

There seems to be so many roads to the destination that I want. My hope is to reach the final destination by the road I take. I don’t think to be candid it really is going to be easy. I think I might even fall or stumble during my journey. But, I have one of two choices. To get up and strive toward the destination I want. To live an ethical or purpose-driven life to get there. Or to fall and stay down, to choose apathy, to choose mediocrity, over what is good.

For all of us our hope is that at the end of our journey, God the Father will put His arms around us. He will say, “I am glad you made the journey to me. I know it was difficult at times. I know it wasn’t easy, but you persevered, you kept your focus. You accepted my help, through my Son Jesus Christ. You completed the journey. Now come rest with me!”
Comment by William C. Fleenor on December 21, 2010 at 12:54am
For departments that don't have a chaplain ... the chaplain doesn't necessarily have to be ordained just motivated, fire experience is a +.
Comment by Patrick Bock on December 20, 2010 at 6:06am
Thanks for the invite Chief
Comment by Michael Meadows on December 19, 2010 at 9:41pm
Thanks for the invite Chief.
Comment by Al Mozingo on December 19, 2010 at 8:48pm
Chief France,

I have written a large number of articles over the years.

Some of them have been published: Here is an example of one.

It is slanted like most of my articles toward the Christian perspective.


By Al Mozingo

This is a short lesson on love which leads us to God. Remember: God is love! We, as Son’s and Daughter’s of God, are on a journey to God. This means we are to exhibit love in our actions.

Our model of love is Jesus Christ who was a depiction on earth of what perfect love is. As a disciple of Jesus Christ we are to emulate his actions. Our actions are to be a reflection of God’s love. As Jesus left this world to be with our Father God in Heaven, one was sent to lead us and guide us. With the Holy Sprit’s help we can model love in this world.

Our thought system reflects our true inner being, our true nature. The Holy Spirit is there to lead us in a change of mind to perfect love. Therefore, strive to have a change of mind: to project perfect love.

The Holy Spirit, who leads us to God, translates our communication to God. This communication should show our love. We are to love God. Be vigilant by exhibiting love at all times. Strive to keep the Kingdom of God in your mind. Relinquish every thought that is not of love. Be guided by the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to be in Heaven for eternity with God.

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