Chaplain Josh
  • Male
  • Winter Garden, FL
  • United States
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  • Joseph Chandler
  • THE BIG F.
  • Ben Langman
  • Gary
  • JACK 112
  • David Ebel
  • Chaplain Robert A Crutchfield
  • Jeff VE6EFR
  • Joshua
  • Stuart Williams
  • Wendy Norris
  • Thomas Hart
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P
  • Rev. James Arnold

Chaplain Josh's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ocoee Fire Rescue (Ocoee, FL)
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
EMT-B 1995, EVOC 1996, Police Academy 1996, Licensed Minister 2001, Ordained Minister 2007
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My interest began when I was a kid. I knew I had a calling to serve in ministry. I also had a desire to work around the fire house. My mom was a police officer and my step dad was a firefighter. As I got older the position for me became clearer. Emergency Services Chaplain!!

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A little bit about me...

I am an ordained minister (Christian non-denominational). I am currently serving at Fusion Church (my home church). I am the Chaplain for Ocoee Fire Rescue and Winter Garden Fire Rescue. I respond to calls with Orange County Fire Rescue as well. Also, I am a Chaplain for Firefighter Ministries and The Emergency Medical Chaplain's Association.

The Fire Chaplain Prayer
(from the Federation of Fire Chaplains)

Dear Lord, I turn to you each day for guidance,
For I know You can supply my every need.
And I want each soul to whom I render service,
To know You are behind my every deed.

As a Chaplain dedicated to the Fire Service,
These are very special people I must Serve,
They have chosen lives of public dedication,
That requires a body strong and filled with nerve.

Each and every time the fire alarm is sounded,
Please, look down and of my movements take control,
Guide my footsteps as I go to join my comrades,
As their ladders they set up and hose they unroll.

Open wide my eyes that I might see each problem,
Let my ears be tuned in case someone should call.
Let my lips deliver words to lend compassion,
Let my hands assist if some firefighter falls.

If it falls my lot to take a saddened message,
To the family of some badly injured person,
Give my tongue the words to speak for consolation.
Let my words give hope and comfort when they can.

Let me gain the confidence of each firefighter.
Let them speak of any problem they desire.
Let them understand each talk is fully private,
May each answer that I give them hope inspire.

Guide my conduct as I labor for You daily,
May each image that I cast reflect of You.
Let my light so shine that each and every person
Will know it’s Your hand that guides each deed I do.


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At 8:09pm on August 10, 2008, Chaplain Josh said…
Please take a moment and watch the posted video. What an amazing work of God's hand!


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