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Beverly's Friends

  • Billy Deatherage
  • Jacob Washburn
  • Michael
  • JOHN P. KISELAK  Sr.        [JP]
  • Donnie Hood K14
  • Steven
  • Steve Pilant
  • Mike
  • Reggie Cervantes
  • duane
  • theo davis
  • John
  • Ken Stahl
  • Ryan

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Beverly's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer, Firefighter, First Responder, Other Emergency Services Staff, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
35 plus years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Keystone Volunteer Fire Department, Sand Springs, Oklahoma
Years With Department/Agency
35 plus years
My Training:
In house firefighter training, Med 1st Resp, NIMS, Hazmat, Bloodborne Pathogens, etc.
I am also the departments unofficial photographer for training, fire scenes, functions, fund raisers, parties, MVA's & anything else we do within the community!
About Me:
We are a 100% Volunteer Fire/rescue/EMS Departmant. Our community is very supportive!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My grandparents were some of the founders of the community rural volunteer FD.......I began helping at age 13, currently a Vol FF, Med 1st Resp, Staging Officer & Safety/Rehab
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the smiles, thanks, appreciation returned by those we help.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The problem with women facing obstacles to bcome respected, volunteer depts with funding, training & recruitment.

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At 7:11pm on November 16, 2008, JOHN P. KISELAK Sr. [JP] said…
At 2:40pm on August 28, 2008, CHIEF NORMAN said…
At 7:55am on January 21, 2008, Beverly said…
Glue Used To Nab Suspected Robber

A fed-up pharmacist, a little creativity and fast police work, resulted in a burglar bust in Sand Springs. The same suspect had broken into the Spoon Drug Store five times and gotten away clean and that's when the pharmacist took some drastic measures. News On 6 crime reporter Lori Fullbright reports each time they got broken into, the pharmacy increased its security, adding motion sensors to the alarm, adding more surveillance cameras, even replacing the broken glass door with tempered glass, but it was something much simpler and cheaper and quite ingenious that finally got the guy caught.

The suspect always broke the front glass, bolted through the store, jumped over the counter and went straight to the same cabinet.

"Pries it open, grabs his bottles and takes off," said Sand Springs Police Lieutenant Scott Averill.

He was in and out in less than 30 seconds, so police couldn't catch him. The store spent hundreds of dollars replacing broken windows and kept adding security. Despite all the cameras, they needed a good shot of his face, so they put a camera inside the cabinet when he opened the doors it would get a picture of him.

They also needed a way to stall him.

"We just saved some empty bottles of some of the medication we were dispensing and some board. And, glued them down. They were empty so if he did get them, he wouldn't get anything and we thought if it slowed him down, they could catch him," said Jim Pritchard with Spoon Drug.

It worked. The suspect tugged and tugged on those bottles, but the glue held and he couldn't swipe them and run like in the past.

"It was pretty good and it was funny and I'm glad we did get him," said Pritchard.

He had to spend time looking at other shelves for what he wanted, which meant he spent two minutes in the store instead of 30 seconds, which was enough for officers to nab him outside.

Twenty-eight-year-old Seth Glenn was outwitted by a clever pharmacist. Police even found Glenn's get-away vehicle.

"His getaway car was a bike and it was pretty nice bicycle too, that we're pending forfeiture on for our bike guys, we'll seize that for our bike patrol, so it was a bad night all the way around,” said Lieutenant Averill with a laugh.

Now police have a nuisance in jail and the pharmacy has about as much security as Fort Knox. They had replaced the door with shatter proof glass, so that's why he went for the window.
At 10:15am on November 24, 2007, Beverly said…
12 days of Christmas,EMS style
On the first day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... One little ol' Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the second day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... 2mg of Narcan for the out of work person who wants to end it all by taking her husband's pain pills and won't tell me what she took and is feeling suicidal, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the third day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me.... Three stacked shocks for the 88 year old man who instead of paying the neighbor kid 5 bucks to shovel his driveway, decided to do it himself and have the big one in the driveway, 2mg of Narcan for the psycho chick trying to off herself, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me.... 4 in the morning I have to go to the nursing home because someone has had the flu for like 16 years and all of a sudden needs to go to the hospital NOW, Three stacked shocks for the full arrested popsicle, 2mg of Narcan for morphine eating Momma, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... Five minutes to eat! 4am shuttle call, Three stacked shocks, 2mg of Narcan, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me.... Six run reports behind because the computer guy can't fix the system, Five Minutes to eat!!!!!!!!!! 4 am Shuttle, 3 zaps to the chest, Gonna have a stomach pumped, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the Seventh day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... Seven car pile-up while everyone was trying to beat the light so they can get into Wal Mart the day after Thanksgiving thinking there is only 4 dancing Elmo Dolls, Six reports behind, Five minutes to eat! 4am is way to early, 3 stacked shocks, 2 of Narcan pushed, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... Eight flights of steps to walk up to get the 400 pound person who is having shortness of breath since LAST Christmas and can't walk...oh, and of course, the elevator doesn't work, 7 cars a crunching, Six reports a writing, Five minutes to eat! 4 AM shuttle, CPR in progress, 2mg of Narcan, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... Nine blankets needed to cover up grandpa because he is freezing and we aren't even out of the house yet but thinks he will get pneumonia and die for all of the 10 seconds we are outside, Eight flights of stairs, Should have stayed home and bought it off of Ebay, Six reports I'm writing, Five minutes to eat! What the Hell time is it, Should have paid the kid, 2mg of Narcan, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... Ten minutes till I can get a bed in the ER because the nurses are busy figuring out who is going to lunch next, Nine blankets needed, Hope fire department is coming, 7 cars a crunching, Six reports I need to write, Five minutes to eat! Can't you wait till morning, Stick a fork in him, he's done, Man I hope she shuts up,. And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me.... Eleven times I tried to get the heat to work in the back of the truck and maintenance won't take the truck in, Tten minutes waiting, Nine blankets needed, Eight flights of steps to climb, Hope you have Progressive, Give me a new ink pen, Five minutes to eat! 4am is early, 3 leads all show he's dead, 2mg won't touch her, And Grandma who fell and hurt her knee.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my dispatcher gave to me... A 12 Gauge IV needle that I put into the drunk 19 year old who tried to swing at me, It's really freezing, Hope you choke on your sandwich, 9 blankets for grandpa, How did you get up here in the first place, Man your husband is gonna be pissed, Six reports STILL down, Five minutes to eat! Better than taking them back, Hope I recorded the code, Man, just pass out already, And Grandma who fell and hit her knee.

Merry Christmas!!!
At 6:37pm on November 22, 2007, danny w furr said…
hey there Beverlly.hope that you had a great turkey day .welcome to to be your friend.danny

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