Barry Copley
  • Male
  • Kermit, WV
  • United States
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Barry Copley's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Kermit Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
I've been to fire school and had my Hazmat training I plan on getting my EMT and possibly joining our dive team as soon as possible.I'm certified in CPR/First Aid and I'm now a First Responder.
About Me:
Basically I work a minimum wage job and work for the Kermit Volunteer Fire Department when I'm not working.I enjoy helping people and helping my community.Call me crazy but I've always wanted to rush into a burning building and save a lady in distress and possibly fall in but I'll save anyone who may need it though.
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to do something to help my community and also to have something to do in my free time.I think its fun and challenging sometimes.I kind of like the adrenaline I guess.I'm always beside my trusty scanner waiting for the tones to drop.I'm usually hard to wake up but every time my scanner goes off no matter what time in the morning it may be I always hear it and jump outta bed and take off.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I pretty much covered that in the above paragraph.I wanted to do something productive in my spare time.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Well having a fast response time is very important.Its also good to make sure you have everything you need such as neck braces,backboards,and make sure the trucks are full of water.A few months ago someone from another dept forgot to fill their truck up with water and went on a house fire like that.Needless to say they got in trouble.

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Barry Copley's Blog

Playing Music on Handhelds

Posted on December 8, 2010 at 10:53pm 2 Comments

I don't know about everyone else but I think that its stupid when people key up their mics for he heck of it or they'll play music on their radios.That line is supposed to be for emergencies only.Like a few weeks ago we were getting toned out but I couldn't hear everything Mecca(Dispatch) was saying because someone started keying their mic up and it was over riding our tones.What does everyone else think about the subject?

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At 11:12pm on April 21, 2011, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Thanks for the facebook invite.. I don't have a facebook page yet... so I

Just wanted to give you an invite to come join the new singles chat I started in the group - Chief's Back Room Crew - since it seems more people hang out in there on a daily basis - i wanted to give some more opportunities for us fun singles to visit with each other and gather up more of the wandering singles in this site - so invite your single friends and come join us... see you around the pages. Lady Heather B
At 2:23pm on February 9, 2011, Michael Moralez said…
that sounds cool im in the same boat our ems is seperate from our fd but still volunteer my wife is on the ems and got me singed up for there emt class but we got to start at first responder then when we pass that we go on to emt b right after that then straight into emt intermidiate so looks like i got my weekends planned out for a while but when i get that all done i plan to go to a full time department but still run on our volunteer departments here so i say to yo good luck.
At 3:40pm on February 8, 2011, Michael Moralez said…
Yeah that sounds kinda funny when you go from nothin to all of a sudden its gettin nasty out there down here we in for a bizzard and bout 6 inches of snow so we might be busy tonite.
At 5:52pm on February 7, 2011, Michael Moralez said…
Man oh man you guys are busy compared to us heck we ain had a damn thing all year the last call we got was after christmas all it was was an old ladies heat pump central air compresor locked up and all you could smell is the hot no smoke fire nada and thats been it but its all good cause from past experiences when all is quiet doesnt mean its over its just regrouping lol so im ready to grab my ass and hang on i got a feelin we gonna get busy
At 7:12pm on December 22, 2010, Michele Ferrell said…

At 2:32pm on December 10, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Barry - how funny - I grew up in BFE !!!

Great that you have fun town names...

Hey we have some fun in the Back Room Crew group if you are looking for some action on FFN - come join us there !!!
At 3:58pm on December 8, 2010, Anita King said…
Welcome to FFN. Hope you enjoy the site as much as I do.
At 1:42am on December 8, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Barry: Great to meet you. Welcome to FFN. How funny - there really is a town named Kermit!!! LOLOLOL Jump on in - we can be a fun bunch - for the most part ;-) I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Heather
At 9:34pm on December 7, 2010, sarah arledge said…
hi Barry Copley welcome to ffn hope you like it here its a great place to be .have a great night stay safe take care
At 10:35am on December 7, 2010, Mariah Leavitt said…
Welcome to Firefighter Nation Barry!! Hope you are having a great day and staying safe! If you have a few moments join our group "Fire Rescue TV" Its brand new, so there aren't many of us on there just yet, but i would love for you to join our discussions!!


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