Firefighters in 4-H


Firefighters in 4-H

A place for all of us who are or were in 4-H. A place to share our experiences and all other things that relate to 4-H.

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Favorite Events and Activities?

Started by Rachel Mar 15, 2011. 0 Replies

What are your favorite events and activities in 4-H?

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Comment by Rebekka Arcand on May 22, 2011 at 10:44pm
i raised rabbits for my 4-h project and i still raise them today. i am starting my 3yr old daughter on them right now. she did her first show last yr at my hometown county fair and got 1st place along with a trophy. even though she was the only one that did it i was proud of her for it.
Comment by Rachel on April 12, 2011 at 11:45am
I participate in all of the leadership activities I can! I like to be the leader, I have been called a "born-leader". I can take orders, but I prefer to be the one giving the orders! I know 4-H has helped shape me into a great leader and I know I will continue my leadership in the last few years of my 4-H career!!
Comment by Louise Thornton on April 9, 2011 at 9:25am
Greg, I agree with you very much, in fact we are having our County Fair from April 13-17 at our State Fair grounds.
Comment by Gregory L Collins on April 9, 2011 at 12:52am
Was in 4-H and FFA, great place to learn things. Especially leadership.
Comment by Barry Copley on April 6, 2011 at 2:17pm
I used to be in 4-H I went to our camp and everything.When I got older I wanted to be a counselor but I was working Underground in the coal mines and just didn't have time working 6 days a week like I was doing.We did the adopt a highway and everything.
Comment by Marvin Hawk on March 31, 2011 at 8:15pm
Rachel, I’m the son of a former 4-H'er. but was never a member myself. I am proud to say that my local 4-H chapter at Granville High School (NY) just took fourth place in the National $-H T-Shirt contest. Should any of your group have any questions about Firefighting, or Corrections which is my job that pays the bill, I would be more than happy to help in any way.
Comment by Rachel on March 16, 2011 at 12:17pm
I have been in 4-H for 9 years. I still have 3 1/2 years left!! I live on a farm, but I prefer the citizenship, community sevice, and leadership project areas. My favorite event is 4-H Mock Legislature! It is held every summer at the Florida Capital, for a week. Last year I was a lobbyist and this year I get to be a Representitive!!I can't wait!!
Comment by Louise Thornton on March 16, 2011 at 6:16am
Thank you for the invite Rachel. It has been a long time since I have been involve with 4-H. My sister is still involved and she is 70 years young. She like the sewing and I like the cooking. We both had projects that went to the state fair several times. Even my did got involve with our club by letting us us the farm for the gardening and mom let us use our house for meetings.

Boy our entire family was involve for many years with 4-h and other farming organizations.
Comment by Bill Carlisle on March 15, 2011 at 3:41pm
Rachel, thanks for the invite, it was many years ago that i was in 4-h ,like back in 1972-1975 yes they had it back then lol, raised a calf to show at the fair , since i was only 1-of 3 in the group that were farm kids ,

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