  • 60, Female
  • Lafayette IN
  • United States
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  • John "Cliff" Berkshire
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Annette's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Tippecanoe Emergency Medical Service / Lafayette, IN
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
NREMTP, Firefighter 1, Hazmat Tech, Confned Space Rescue Specialist, BTLS Instructor, ACLS Instructor, Honorably Discharged FMF Corpsman USN
About Me:
When I'm not working.....and I'm always working, I enjoy riding horses, we do alot of team penning, basically letting our Quarter horses do what they have been bred to do. We're not showing alot this year, gas is outrageous! Therefore we plan on trail riding alot close to home. I love being a Medic, it comes, and always has, very naturally for me. My parents were both Music Professors so I'm a bit of a family oddity. Did the FIre thing for a while until I realized it was 30 seconds of shear adrenaline rush and 6 hours of cleanup...well, that and the whole running into a burning building "thing". You guys rock, don't get me wrong, but I'll be waiting outside, thanks! I'm also really small, 5'4" and 120lbs soaking wet....sorry girls but there are some things the boys can do better than I. I'm the one crawling into the mangled cars, grain bins and sewer pipes. There are times when my size has its advantages but I could never forgive myself if one of my team members went down and I wasn't big enough to get them out. I'm a new grandma, yep, it was a suprise. Never thought it would happen at 43, but blessings can come at the most unexpected times, in the most unexpected ways. Dating a GREAT guy who is also a Paramedic....its wonderful when your with someone who truly understands the nature of what we do and how we think.
Day Job:
Senior Paramedic (all the responsibility, none of the authourity)
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I didn't chose Paramedicine, it chose me.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I care.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Getting all agencys working together, Fire, Police and EMS, on a National level. If anything HUGE happens in my area its gonna be a CIRCUS!!!!!

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At 8:41pm on March 10, 2009, Shawna Syth said…
that is a beautiful app. i would love to have one but Tennessee walkers are my breed now i don't know why but i love everything about them. but my my he is beautiful .
At 12:55pm on November 9, 2008, Equintius Lourens said…
The time is now 20:00 in Paarl
At 12:54pm on November 9, 2008, Equintius Lourens said…
I love your horse.......Annette ....greetings from South Africa
At 8:19am on August 22, 2008, Katie Moon said…
Loved the photo of that stunning grey horse. Understand not showing due to fuel prices. Used to compete in cutting and reining.
I became a grandmother at 43 also, 2 days after my birthday. Wonderful gift!
Stay safe.
At 4:08pm on July 18, 2008, catfish said…
just wanted to say hello
At 4:04pm on July 18, 2008, Shirley said…
On June 14th, FireSiren mentioned to contact Don Rabe with the Indiana K-9 SAR. He is now on Indianapolis Fire Department and training a water recovery dog for them. He is no longer with the IN K9 SAR. He can be contacted at IFD if you do have questions. He did write K9 SAR standards.

I hope this helps.
At 12:54am on June 23, 2008, Thor said…
Hey Annette, Greetings from Germany........
At 3:31pm on June 16, 2008, Jim Seargent said…
Hi Again Annette,
It's been, (in my opinion), perfect here in PA. Stinking hot and humid enough so that you can almost breathe. That's just how I like it, especially in gear. It's a bit soon for this, but my gear is starting to take on that late July funk. It's going to be a hot night at the washing machine Monday night! Being from the city all of my life, I was wondering if the heat takes a toll on horses, or if they're "cool" with it? Pardon the pun.
At 6:50am on June 2, 2008, Roger Waters said…
Hi Annette, Just wanted to say hi. Sorry it's been so long. Have a great week.

At 10:32am on May 31, 2008, Chuck Wright said…
you have a beautiful horse,take care

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