Philipp Huss

42, Male

Roefingen, Germany


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
electrician in a ladder factory
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i can help!!!

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  • Markus K

    thx for the add. haha
    Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten rutsch ins Jahr 2008.
    Grüße mk
  • Markus K

    ja genau. haha sieht man dann ja... aber ich denk dass wieder mindestens eine mülltonne oder so brennt. wie immer^^
    greetz mk
  • Philipp Huss

  • ashley renee

    lol thanks for the comment pic!!!
  • Angelique

  • Joe Totero

    Don't party too much! LOL Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Markus K

    Frohes neues Jahr!
  • Marcus Goss

  • susan

  • Dave, NB 9

    Philipp, Is this your guest book? Let me know if I'm missing something here .... have a great day!
  • Rick Hawbecker

    Great so far, stay safe and have fun. Keep Rockin!
  • DUST

    The page is looking good man. AC/DC doesn't hurt either!
  • firemedic6911baddog

    nice to meet you i'm ac/dc fan to stay safe.
  • Joe Totero

    Hey, Brother! Starting to get things under control for now. Hope things ae going good for you! I might have that helmet for you soon. I'll let you know.
  • Paul W

    Hi, It is great to see different countries on here especially Germany. You Stay Safe Too.
  • mike wright

    Hello phil just checking in and seeing how everything is. Hope all is well with you and your family. Everything is good over here. I just completed my hazmat tech class. Hey i see you like the same type of music that i do have you tried seether? You might like them. Be safe bro
  • susan

    St. Patrics Day just dropping in to see how you have been doing
  • DAVE


    just wanted say hi from the USA,take care.Good taste in music,I want to know ,I love a lot of Metal bands from Germany,how do feel about them,BONFIRE is one of my faves,check out my playlist take care
  • Philipp Huss

    Hello from Germany. We have a nice weahter. I hope all is OK in the USA!!!!!

    Many greetings
  • Horst

    Hallo Phil and thanks for the add. Are you interested in joining German Firefighters of America? I know you don't live in the states but there are alot of firefighters from Germany in that group. I'm interested in swapping patches with you or shirts. BTW, nice pics. Stay safe.
  • Doc

    Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi".Hope things are going well in Germany and I'm looking forward to talking to u more in the future.Be safe and hope to talk to u soon.
  • Horst

    hallo phil danke fuer die bilder sind schoen ihr habts gut in Deutschland . meine frau sagt das die landschaft einfach toll ist. auch das haus , ihr habt halt alles besser und schoener da bis dann phil und gruss an die fam.
  • Tino "Blueeye" Reinhold

    Hi Phil,

    danke für Deine Grüße !

  • Chel

    Hey phil, just stoping by to check on my the pics. Hope all is well in Germany!!
  • Michael

    Hey Philipp,
    I sent you the Medic 12 patch. If you have others to trade I will trade for some other one I have.

    hey can we trade patches aswell
  • Horst

    Hallo Phil Danke uns gehts gut , hoffe das selbe von euch. Haben viel zu tun bin froh wenn das alles vorueber ist .Und dann mein Freund kommst du dran, habe schon ein wenig fuer dich. bis dann Phil
  • Marie

    thanks for the add!

    stay safe,
  • Leo Cartwright

    Can send U One patch of 'Ambulance Victoria' - Australia if U wish to trade for one of your service patch. As a Paramedic, I only have Ambulance patch no Fire patches.
    If Interested please contact me by Email with your Name and address and I will oblige. Email =
    many thanks Leo Cartwright (Australia)
  • Sam Thomas

    Hey Philipp. Thanks for the add. Ironically I actually have relatives that live in several locations in Germany including Frankfurt. I dont know if that's anywhere near you, but I thought that was kind of cool. Be safe man.
  • Sam Thomas

    All I know is that they either live in Frankfurt or in surround small towns up to an hour away from there. I hope to visit them within the next two years.
    Where exactly in Germany is your town located?
  • Dennis Brown

    Hey Philipp how are things in your part of the world i was there in 79 to 82 in badhurtsfeild i thiink thats how you spell it if you want to trade a patch & shirt let me know be safe
  • Dennis Brown

    ok we will trade send me adress so i can get it out to you but i only have xl shirts let me if this fits you or ill look for your size
  • Chel

    Im ok....How are you??

    thanks brother stay safe and happy hollidays
  • Dayna Hilton

    You too. Stay safe out there.
  • firechief911

    thanks for the add stay safe out there
  • Chris Harris

    Same to you, stay safe this joliday season, cheers to the folks across the pond.....
  • philipp

    Grüß dich! danke für die Freundschafts-Einladung! vielleicht kannst du mir mal helfen! wie kann ich auf meinem Profile Musik down loaden?? ich krieg das net hin, mein englisch ist auch nicht ganz so perfekt, leider! Grüße, schöne Feiertage und stay safe
  • Fireman 95-18

    Hey philpp no problem about the add happy holidays to you and your family and department stay safe brother AVFD 95
  • Joseph W. Coil

    Tower 18 is 100 feet +.
  • FETC


    Thanks for the comments. You have some cool pictures as well. Love the aerial shot from above! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  • Tom Ricotta

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well bro. Stay safe.
  • Mike MADDOG Duffy

    Merry Christmas to you and a safe and Healthy New Year!

    Stay safe brother.
  • philipp

    ja, werde das mit der Musik schaffen, danke! die DLK 23/12 ist ne Magirus! 15 Jahre alt/ die Gladbecker bekommen nächstes Jahr aber ne neue!
  • michael m madsen

    Hello yes I will indlægse of mercy is about SKAJBY Hospital. there veneer di ga you whether I should ha a new kidney. so I may dare saturate my TOLMOD in HED, I håder you and your family has had a SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR HILSEN Michael Madsen :-)
  • philipp

    dito! musste Silvester ja leider arbeiten, aber war ganz ok.
  • Poly118

    Hey nice to meet you... good pictures! have a good time =)
  • philipp

    Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! da bekommt man lust auf mehr, wenn man diese Bilder so sieht! hatte schon lange kein Feuer mehr, fahre ja auch viel Rettungsdienst! mir geht es eigentlich recht gut! die Arbeit macht spaß und ist immer noch ne gute Herausforderung für mich! Sag mal Bescheid, wenns bei euch brennt, komm dann vorbei und spring bei euch aufs LF auf! Grüße aus Bottrop