
59, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Levant Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
www.gear911.com www.feuer1.de
My Training:
FF1 & FF2
Traffic Control Safety
About Me:
I was orginally a firefighter in Germany
Later on I joined the German Bundeswehr and served for 15 years in both the light and heavy infantry.
My military education involved truckdriving, combat medic, sniper, as well as a drill sergeant. Later on I belonged to a special operation group called the "Jagtkommando" (Hunter Command), which involved search and destroy operations. I left active duty as a Sergeant First Class (E-7) and am currently in the Active Reserve !
Day Job:
Mr. Mom (chaffuer, doctor, lawyer, cleaner, psychologist, mechanic , and on...)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's a family tradition and I love it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
After a structure fire I smell like smoked ham; seriously, it's my passion and the ham
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of organization
Firefighters not working together as a team
Becoming complacent
Too much B..S and not enough training

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  • Kai Töpfer

    Hi Horst, nice to see you here. I´have worked in Giessen to....;-)....(Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Giessen).....i wish you and your family a nice time!!
    See you!
  • Patrick Dau

    you are welcome! danke, danke! und wie lebt es sich so da? war ja jetzt nen monat bei euch und spiele schon irgendwie mit gedanken alles hinter mir zu lassen, aber erst will ich noch den rettungs-assistenten machen.
    aber soviele fragen über fragen! muss mich da mal schlau machen!

    hoffe hör mal wieder von dir!

    best regards from germany

    be safe
  • Patrick Dau

    hi horst,

    yes i be back in germany and it sucks after my visit the u.s.a. for a month. the most poeple are crank here, i have seen so many smiles at my visit. Why you want to go back to germany?
    i be thinking about it, but it is not so easy i have a family, so it is not only my decision. heavy burden on my shoulders, because in germany has my son every option to visit every school, college and university.
    meets many problems to go the way without bad feelings