Dave, NB 9

, Male

North Boston, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Boston, NY
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Lake View Vol Fire Co.
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  • Dave, NB 9

    Working Fire:
    North Boston Firefighters responded this afternoon for a report of a structure fire on Heinrich Rd. North Boston 9 reported heavy smoke enroute. Hamburg 9-2 went on location reporting a working barn fire. North Boston 9 assumed command and reported a barn fully involved barn with Ladder pipes in operation and extension to a shed with chemicals stored inside. Mutual Aid companies were Patchin (Engine), East Eden (Tanker), Boston (Engine), Hamburg (Engine, Heavy Rescue, Ladder), Newton Abbott (FAST), & Hillcrest (fill in @ North Boston). The fire was under control in about 41 minutes.
  • Dave, NB 9

    Working Fire:
    Hillcrest Firefighters responded this morning for a report of a structure
    fire on Chestnut Ridge Rd. Orchard Park 10 went on location reporting a
    working barn fire. OP 10 further reported a structure collapse. Mutual aid
    companies were Windom, Orchard Park, North Boston, Armor, & Newton
    Abbott (FAST).
  • Al "Top" Styles

    The tornado video is quite awesome. I actually have quite an incite to this video as it occured in my town and I was the fire operations commander..... The thing most dont know is the car you see strike the locomotive was carrying Haz mat chems (Ethelyne Oxicide). The incident actually lasted 8 days. I have gone with UP (Union Pacific) as it was their rails the train was on and given lectures on this incident. If you have any question regarding it, please dont hesitate to get a hold of me, stay safe. Take care
