michael m madsen

57, Male



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Firefighter
Years in Fire/EMS:
Firefighter from Denmark.......
Web Site:
Day Job:
Grenaa Brandvæsen
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
just check on my friends....how are things
Firefighter from Denmark....Is your
friend..!! good Hilsen MADSEN..........

Comment Wall:

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  • Yves "TopGun" Lamarre

    well come to the big family
  • Moises Ruiz Ramirez

    hello friends
    I have a doubt they might say to me where there are fire or EMS shops in las vegas ?
    thank you
  • Moises Ruiz Ramirez

    hi Michael

    I have a doubt they might say to me where there are fire or EMS shops in las vegas ?
    thank you