
38, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Dunn Loring Volunteer Fire Department (FCFD Sta 13) Dunn Loring, VA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
FCPD police explorer LT 2003-2007
My Training:
CPR For the Healthcare Provider
Hazmat Awareness
ICS 100
ICS 200
ICS 700
Level one
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
International Trauma Life Support
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Emt- Intermediate 99
Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings
About Me:
My medic school class is the biggest group of dorks ever! (but i love em anyway!)

"Omg, wow girl you really are short! your height is a contraindication for a combitube!!!"

thanks guys, and fyi no I am NOT a midget... midget solely by height has to be 4'10" and I am 4'11" thank you much! and no I dont need a booster seat to drive the ambo or cruiser either..... booster seat is 4'9" lol :)

I absolutely LOVE emergency services.... there honestly hasnt ever been a time when i've freaked out on a scene, I just get in the zone and everything slows down.

I LOVE firehouse humor, even as a girl i think its absolutely hilarious, I will throw just as much crap right back at you guys as you throw at me and have a good time doing it!
Day Job:
Critical Care Transport Paramedic
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I feel I owe something back to the community. I was a 26 weeker at birth with next to no chance to live and supposedly no chance for anything resembling quality of life. Now I am 21 years old, and have no limitations due to my early entrance into the world and stint on life support.

I eventually hope to be a joint flight medic/ police officer with the Fairfax County Police Department Aviation Division once I get my butt in shape!

Until I get my butt in shape I hope to be a dispatcher :)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
knowing I have made a difference in peoples lives
Top Issues Facing Responders:
having an adequate budget for proper equipment, training, and staffing -also-
having people that are actually both motivated and competent enough to do the work

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  • Randy Soard

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  • Michael Fohmann

    Best wishes from Germany! Stay safe! Michael
  • Moises Ruiz Ramirez

    hello friends
    I have a doubt they might say to me where there are fire or EMS shops in las vegas ?
    thank you