Ok I ask the wife and she just looked at me weird. So I thought I would ask some ems folks.

Ok pregnant lady riding in a car on a bumpy road. Could her milk be churned into butter? You know all the bouncing. I bet that would be a bad medical condition. It would just plug everything up.

I have always warned all the friends and family about this.



Bet you have never thought about this one huh? In the summer picking vegetables the sun kinda gets to my Head and my mind wonders off somewhere. LOL

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Thank you for such a wonderful description. My mother was nearly lost in the White River when she was a child. She went to play there one day after school in the winter. When she was a child she saw Baby Face Nelson when he stopped to eat in a diner where she had lunch during the week. Decker sounds exactly where I would like to live. I would thrive in such a community. I am a small town girl, love the seasons, snow, gardening and canning. I hate tornados. Most of my fathers family settled in Ross Ohio and later in Indiana, some place called Sugar Creek, They were all farmers. Except one fellow who went off to fight with Houston. He went to the Yucantan and was never heard of again. As I told you my father enlisted at Fort Benjamin. He was captured in Germany at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. He was a medical Corpman as Obama would say. He was liberated in l945 and returned to Indiana. Met my mom; she worked with his sisters, at a plant of some kind. and two weeks later they were married. She said he followed her up and down the streets of Richmond on his knees. She said yes. The more I hear of Indiana the less I enjoy California. I am facinated by the huge Indian Ax your dad plowed up. I spend several hours a day on Ancestry researching my family. That is a great story.
My moms Uncle was captured in Germany he died a few years after the war from his treatment in the prison camp. He told her of men fighting over a turnip.

Sure, Sugar Creek isn't far from here. My wife still cans sometimes but with the farming most of the time were just too busy. My hands are stained green all summer from the tomatoes.

The closest tornado was a mile from here.
The White river isn't a place to mess with in the winter. Even my dad aka the muskrat kept off of it in the winter. He told of a time before the powerplants dumping heated water in it. When the ice was a foot thick flowing. He told me it would groan as it flowed and would grind huge logs into splinters right in front of your eyes. It would jam up against the railroad bridge and grandpa would walk to the otherside. But the ice isn't like that anymore. We do have alot of huge catfish though.
It was a bad situation. My father said about the same thing. He ate bugs, mice and birds to stay alive. He used to tell us that when we turned up our nose at what was for dinner. I just got off the phone with my mother. I read her your post she said she thought you should write for a magazine; that your decription was perfect, poetic and brought to life so many memories she had misplaced. For that I thank you sincerely she seemed to come alive with interest. She also mentioned the same thing you said about the ice cracking. In fact that is what drew her to the White River. Probably sometime in 1934 or 35. She also told me my grandfather (who was a attorney in Richmond) bought a farm in Vincences he tried his had at farming but had a heat stroke. Her brother found many arrowheads on the farm he plowed. I would like to post a picture of that time but can't figure out how to so I will post it to my profile page. My GGrandfather's name was Felix V. Anderson. He was born in Darke Ohio in 1854. I love the pictures of the Apples. Oh course my mom told me about Johnny Appleseed. I enjoy fishing especially for Catfish. Do you pull them out of the water with your bare hands. I prefer a bamboo pole and rabbit food mixed with water into bait.
Apples, Those are tomatoes yellow and red. LOL
Dad told me of German prisoners they keep just outside Decker. They worked on the local farms. He said they would talk to them though the fence. He said most of them did not want to return to Germany after the war. They were treated better here as prisoners then soldiers in Germany.

My cousin has hundreds of pounds of arrowheads. He spends alot of time when the crops are out walking the fields. At my farm there is one place where broken pottery is everywhere. Its neet to find a piece that has a fingerprint in it. Makes me think of who that person was and what there life was like. I also wonder how old it is and about all the years it layed there waiting to be touch again. We have even found arrowheads in the yard.
Catfish we use chicken liver and rod and reel. Or for the big bluecats or flatheads we use whole shad cut bait. The White river is not a place to wade in current and holes are so unpredictable. The Walbash river is just a few miles away also. "The Point" is where those two rivers meet. It is cool to see those big rivers meet.
There are still alot of Anderson's around are they relatives?
We still have alot of heatstrokes in the summer. We responded to a guy this year that died from it. I work in the fields at sunrise till noon. Then pack and clean vegetables after lunch in the shade. The day that photo above was taken it was so hot, It was hard to breathe. Around 100 degrees if I remember right.(July) Now there talking about 17 degrees this weekend. If you don't like the weather here in Indiana wait a day. Thats a saying we have here. It can be 80 one day and freezing the next. Thats when the storms get real bad in a hurry.
My bad. You can tell what a great farmer I would be. LOL
When my dad was about to be liberated he said this overweight mean guard who had been stealing Red Cross packages asked my dad to write something nice about him because he knew the Americans were coming. My father smiled politely and took the pencil and wrote " This is the meanest son of a bitch I have ever met"
I would imagine there are still Anderson's around there. I would love to find more cousins. I have been stalking them on Ancestry for a few years have found a couple here and there but still searching. My GGrandfather's name was Lorenzo Dow Anderson. (1829) I think he was from KY.
I feel the same way you do about history. I love it. I think how hard life must have been. How brave and strong they were, how great their faith in God was, what hardships they faced and how they prevailed. My mother is right. You do have a knack at writing. The life you describe sounds wonderful.
We just bought a new place with a garden and fruit trees and our nearest neighbors are just 10 feet away.
I can't tolerate the heat. Last July I went to the Hemet Ryan Air Attack base to take photos of the FF Aircraft during a brush fire. . It was 109 on the tarmack. But it was dry heat. None the less by the time I got back to my car (I shot about 200 pictures) I barely knew my name. Here in Hemet the average summer temp is 100-112. Very hot and dry. Worst case for brush fires.
My husband and I spent a lot of time camping at the beach. He taught me to scuba dive years ago. He is very good with a spear gun. I prefer a camera. A few years ago I was snorkling while Bo burned the last bottle. I was just putzing along and glanced over; beside me was a school of HUGE yellow jack 4-5 feet long. Scared me.
Last year we were camping in Ventura Beach CA and were evacuated off the beach because of a tsunami. Never a dull moment.
Sticking a potato in your Peek-a -whata????? I've heard of cucumbers but never a potato.
Or am I in the wrong Area???
Capachino(?SP) Sorry! Don't forget to blow the foam...it's hot too.
Phoenix I make this easy for you...

To catch up, go read the recently revived thread "Weirdest Thing Found at A Fire" in the main discussions

Then come back and add your thoughts... hee hee
That was just NASTY...Island voodoo medicine at it's finest. But thanks for bringing that post to my attention....for the most part...hillarious.
I didn't realize you were a poet. :>
Now I have to hunt down the other Post for your Peek-a -choo story.
Now I know why Pikachu was my favorite Dragonball Z character(my son used to watch all the time) he's an older teen now so now I can give him a whole new meaning to the character.
I'm sure he'll thank you for it. :>
Never thought about that before. I may have to get the wife pregnant just to experiment with the breast milk theory! Is that wrong?
no, it's necessary - for science !!! keep us posted !!!


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