What is the most bizzare thing you have done for training; that did not result in severe injury or destruction of property?

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I'm not sure how bizzare it s but every fall our department ges to the community park. We string a rope from one end of the large wooden play scape to the other. We do this at night. Then we all don our full ppe and scba with masks blacked out. We then split the group in half, we start at oppisite ends and follow the rope guide to the oppisite end. The path takes you up into a 3 level wooden play area with twists and turns, low clearences and tight, tight spaces. When you pass someone from the other way you have go go over, under or through them The first team done wins braggin rights till next year.Fun time, great workout!
That's good. A friend's department jumps in the city pool with full turnouts and SCBA to simulate breaking through a floor and landing in a flooded basement. They claim that SCBAs work great underwater; I just not to sure about that.
Nice, I would consider that a bit bizzare! Good way to find air leaks!
That playground training looks fun and challenging.
Yes it does. One of the fire companies here in Pitman, NJ, constructed a maze out of wood. It simulated crawling over roof rafters, lowering yourself thru an attic opening, a simulated collapse with wires, and very tight turns and openings. We had to do it with full gear, and wax paper inside our masks. It was VERY intense, and quite a workout too.
Once a year, just after new years, my dept. plays Dodge Ball. We do it for fun, the team work, and to keep us fit
I guess its sink or swim...LOL
No injury or destruction of property?!! You are taking the fun out of training :-)
Nothing more bizzare in trainign than our regular calls. We do tours of "high risk" occupancies once or twice a year including homelss shelters and tenaments, senior residences, hospitals etc. We alway have lots of fun meeting the people and come back with interesting comments from the residents.
One of my friends did this after basic class. He got drunk and wanted to see if it would work. He ended up in the pool at Holiday Inn wearing full turnout gear trying out his SCBA under water... but he forgot to turn his air on before he jumped in the pool and the guests had to assist him out. Then when he was rescued he turned his air on and tried it again. It worked for him for 15 minutes, then he said it got difficult to breathe. And he was not a guest at that hotel, so the employees were not exactly happy...

At mine we flip each other over full ppe and scba until our air runs out you never know what type of IDLH you may run into.


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