Who do you like better Sheila or Janet

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I have to agree also that Sheila Looked good last episode.If we could get just Sheila's looks without the insanity then Sheila would get my vote.
Janet. . .no Sheila. . . no Janet. I seem to having the sam problem as tommy.
Janet all the way. She is incredible....
Janet hands down. She is very hot. Shelia...that woman is nuts.
sheila i like crazy women lmao!!!!!
Body of Sheila with Janet's head would be perfect!

Janet All day long..
Voting for Janet. Sheila is a total whack job.
They both have issues find a new Lady
Tommys the man!!!
Janet.... Sheila is too nutty. While Sheila would be a fun one, too much crap to put up with.
hell why not both! there both nutz
you got it mike, thay are both out there! get a new one he is NYFD.


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