We all know that network marketing is one of the finest business models in all economic situations and especially dynamic when the economy is in trouble. The challenge is to find the “right” or “best”: or “ideal” (you chose the word) network marketing company to join. There are certainly lots of possibilities, most are good, some are very good but very few are super “home run” opportunities. How do you sort through the clutter?

I present five foundations that are essential to find that super networking marketing opportunity.

1. The Company and Its Stability: What is the background of the company leaders? What is the owner’s track record in the industry and is the company financially secure? It is essential to investigate this and it must show that the COMPANY is a leadership and financial “Home Run”.

2. The Products: Are the consumable? Are they used every day? Are they unique? And most important, are they emotional? Lots of products in the market are very good but if the products are EMOTONAL it’s a “home run”.

3. The Compensation Plan:
a. Is the plan appropriate for the 21st century? Many of The older types of plans are structured to be less favorable for the networkers and more favorable to the company. Do your investigation and eliminate those whose plans are less favorable.
b. The Compensation Plan must be modern and up to date in its scope and payment of commissions. It must be Binary and built on the concept of teams. There can be no flushing of volume and with the annual membership renewal you must retain your team. The comp plan is best if your teams are 1/3; 2/3 for payment. It’s a real “Home Run” if you can reenter above your existing position. That’s a lot to digest, please contact me for a more comprehensive explanation.

4. The Training and Support: Extraordinary training and support are essential for Associates to understand the industry, the products and the comp plan. The company must provide training support materials and it’s a “Home Run” if your team leadership also generously gives fabulous training and support.

5. The Timing: As you become a network marketer it’s important to choose a company that’s in the right timing position to enhance your current and future success.
a. If the company is brand new it’s important to know that 80% fail in first 2 years. If it’s not so new, only 1 in 1000 make it past 5 years.

b. If the company is an older company that has been successful for a long time then you have anew set of concerns. Probably millions have already heard of the company; many have already tried and failed; and people who have tried the company in the past will likely not reenter.

c. The most important consideration in timing is to find and join that company that’s more than 5 years old and poised for explosive growth. When you find it, that’s a “Home Run”.

In conclusion, Network Marketing must be “worked”. There are no get rich quick opportunities. To find the best possible opportunity, find a company that is a “Home Run” in all five of the important foundations. When you find that, get fully committed to the products and fully committed to the compensation plan. Your sponsor and upline will help you achieve success. Please contact me for more information. Thank you, John

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