I would like to throw this one on the table…… Geographical side of a structure,

There seems to be much discussion lately about “sides of a structure”. What’s everyone’s thought? I was taught (many, many year’s ago…..yep I’m an ol’ salty) the “address” side of any structure is the “A” side. Some think it’s based on the way the structure is facing, meaning the front door is the “A” side, I disagree, the “A “side is always the side that faces the street no matter if it’s the back or side. Many structures now sit illogical on the lots (sideways, with side of structure facing the street and main entrance facing driveway etc.)

Additionally, most commanders use alphabetical directions (A, B, C, D) but I am beginning to hear some departments going to numerical (sector 1, being what most of us call the A). I use numbers for floor designations. I am not saying that anything is wrong with it, but in order for accurate information to be employed we all need to speak the same, especially those that we auto-aid and mutual-aid with.  Stay safe out there my brothers & sisters.




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Iv always been taught that the address side of the structure is the A side, that’s what we use around here. numbering we only use when identifying floors.
We always go with the side facing the street is A,left side is B,back side is C and right side is D.This is all from looking at it from the street.Use numbering when assigning floors(division 1,division 2,etc...)Seems to work OK.
We use Side "A" most of the time as the street side; however there are times we may designate side "A" as the side the 1st line went through the door. This is ok as long as it is communicated to everyone on the fireground

As far as the sides being numbered; we don't do that. We use 1,2,3,4....... to designate floors i.e division 1 being the ground floor or floor the main entrance is on and so on when it comes to basement we just use basement division.
We also assign side A as the side of the structure that faces the street and numbers for the floors.
Our area is very rural and most homes are set back from the road a ways and not always facing the road (my house is a little over 500' from the road). For us the front door is always the "A" side and numbers are used for floors.
here the side the engine is on is the A side then everything goes clockwise and floors are numbered
Most of us followed the A B C D sides and in the last few years they are giving them Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta name sine radio communications can be distorted and B, C, and D sound similar . Just saying.


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