As Firefighters here in Illinois, there has to be something we can do to bring training to departments that are less fortunate. I know of departments that have little or no budget. The members have no time due to their full-time obligations to do training. I would like to take a core group of instructors, and help others set up their training divisions, teach classes, and help those who would like it. I think that we need to give back what was given to us, and make everyone more educated and SAFER. Any ideas? I would be willing to help those that want and need it.
Stay safe!

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Ya, I know how some departments are. I worked out west by Dekalb for a year. If you lived east of Randall rd you were an outsider. Some of the IFSI guys are great, but of course we are firemen and we all have egos. The skills definately need to be passed on, and documentation for training is a must. Most of the Training officers dont have time or money to take a class through the chiefs assoc or the society of fire service instructors. I dont plan on solicitating! I hope with this new network somebody who needs help or guidance just asks. Thanks for the response, stay safe, and we will be in touch.
My agency offers GSAR training to all firefighters that are interested and or might need it. We are located in Madison County if your department is interested in or is in need of ground search and rescue training please let me know and we will work with you to set up an official GSAR training. God bless all of you folks that are out risking your lives for us!!
Thanks, appreciate it.
Living in a small farm town , chemical company will train on all kinds of ag related fire & medical hazards + farmers that need to get old buildings cleared is a perfect way to practice with a live fire as well as equipment opperation on a live seen , this help for team work and education for new and current members . ITS ALL FREE
Most departments are wanting outside training it helps to change things up, get diffrent views and some great training. I took a ff2 class with 15 diffrent depts, over 1 year period.Tell ya what. It was a great time. I learned a lot, and I'm so much more confortable with SCBA . Training is our most valuable tool!!!
talk to your local departments and anyone you might have a mutual aide call with cross train with them on monday nights. that way you can get the training you want to give them and it is also an excellent way to get to know your mutual aide departments before you have a call with them. a good time for fellowship
There is all kinds of training out there, low or no cost, you just got to look. I'm in west central ILL and within a 1hr drive theres like 10 fire schools, some 1 day some 2 day all offering several classes. Anybody close to Galesburg? IFSI has the connerstone program, all free with a min enrollment, check there web, find your regonial rep and go from there. Here's an in-house idea, break your dept down into 3 or 4 man groups, give them subject matter, and let 1 group do the weekly/monthly training. This is how we will get Mod A done this year, all in-house, well if you got certified instructors. Now having said that, outside training is a must, into todays fire service you must play well with others, besides it keeps you fresh, there's no room for the "good ol boys". Course if you are like most dept's, 60% do a lot, 20% do some and 20% do very little, correct me if I'm wrong.
As a FSI instructor I would recommend to conatct your regional rep for IFSI and set up a class thru the cornerstone program. I have taught alot of the cornerstone classes and they have all gone very well. The essential classes can be used towards your FFII or FFIII practicles. If you have questions contact IFSI directly.



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