Does anyones department have a personal trainer? If so are they certed and where did they get it. The reason i ask is that recently my dept has had a few injuries and i believe most of it is do to improper weight training. I've come to this conclusion only after several visits to a physical therapist myself, where she told me that the damage to my shoulder and elbow saw due to lifting to much to often and incorrectly.

The only cert program i have found that even comes close to the type of training ff's need is thru ISSA which is for sports trainers. Just seeing if anybody had a better idea.

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Not only am I a Deputy Chief , But also a Personal Trainer, My degree is in sports Neiut, and Physical Fitness, any of the Local Fire Fighters and EMS that want to get into Training I set them up on a program for free, and often go over their workouts to make sure they have not picked up any bad habbits,,
It's also important to know what you want to train for ,ie: size streangth or just to be fit!
There are Many books out there. Muscle & Fitness did a artical about a year ago , called fire Fighter Fitness, you may beable to find that through their arcives.


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