Hi im new to this site. Our firedepart just changed from voulenteer to combination and luck me i got hired on full time. With the job i also got asked to start a fitness program for the entire dept. We have many vollies who r way outta shape and two of our career guys as well. Does anyone have any ideas how to get these guys to get in better shape??? Ive tried the nfpa regs and they still wont listen. Any help would shure be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi David,
I edit the fitness columns for FireRescue magazine, written by Jeff and Martha Ellis. When I read your comment, I immediately thought of two columns they wrote specifically about motivation. The first one addresses the mental hurdles that get in the way, and provides some of the basic info your vollies will need to get back into both aerobic conditioning and strength training--the basics, which is exactly where they should start if they are pretty out of shape. The second article offers some great ideas for organizing group workouts: intervals, a variation on "Follow the Leader," circuit training, and using the Web site www.crossfit.com.
I attached both articles in PDF format if you'd like to read them. Hope they help!
Another option that you have is to order the p90x fitness system. All you need is a set of dumb bells and a pull-up bar which you can order from them. They provide you with a nutrition plan and everything, they even give you a 30 day free-trial. If you don't like it in 30 days then you can return it for a full refund.
I'm in agreement with mcl_fireman. The p90x program is a excellent program even if its just used as a beginning educational / motivational tool to show the guys where they are at physically, and a method to improve even if its just nutrition wise.

My only concern personally with getting into a heavy weight routines or crossfit (amazing program) is the paticipants level of experience with working out. Some of the crossfit movements can be very technical.

Great ideas all around though.
Best of luck
thanks since i last posted i have gotten two more guys in the gym which is good im still having trouble getting a majority of our como dept to see that being grossley over weight is a hazard to themselves other firefightes and the victems were supposed to help and the worse part is that with a chief that weighs well over 300 lbs its hard to get a change stirred up
I work as a call member of a combination dept. I have been asked to put a program together promoting healthy lifestyles, frankly I don't know where or how to begin. How do I begin to seel this type of lifestyle to FF's which haven't worked out consistantly over the yrs, this includes me as one of those FF. I have this thing which I am interested with the statistics of the american FF and injuries and the cause of death (weird huh). I want to make this work and if you have any information that would help me get this off the ground it would be appreciated, I am scheduled to have something by mid December. My email is pfl2743@comcast.net. Thankyou, Bob
My department (in upstate NY) had a similar issue with out of shape volunteers. We came up with a crazy concept of full SCBA basketball. It was a nice way to combine fitness and SCBA training. Believe it or not, 4 of our members actually shed about 30 lbs a piece. We've made it sort of a brotherly competition within the department and a couple of other local fire departments have followed suit. Hope this helps.


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