Happy Easter all you great CHEFS of the backyard.

I recently tried Russell McLean's Dr. Pepper & Apple Juice spray and I must say it was excellent. So I tried it again on some RIBS again excellent. So this weekend being easter and all and the weather promising to cooperate I'm gonna due a nice fresh ham on the grill cooking it low and slow and basting it with the Dr. Pepper & Apple juice but this time I'm adding a fresh squeezed lemon to the mix, I tried this the other day on RIBS and it too was excellent. So if your looking for a little perk to the already great Dr. & A.J. try the lemon squeeze into the mixture it's some kind of good.

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Can someone share the recipe for the mixture of DR Pepper & Apple Juice. WOW! thats sounds excellent. theladd@hotmail.com
By all means chief it was put on here for all to use and I did credit Mr. R. McLean for it, all I added was the twist of lemon. And there both great tasting.
Hey Caleb,

My wife also suggested in place of the apple juice, I might try pinapple juice in place of the apple juice. Well as luck would have it she brought some home from the store last night, so on Sunday we shall see, that nice fresh ham will be basted every 3 hrs. in the Dr.,Pinapple juice and lemon. Any thoughts on this ?

Thank you, King of Ham, I will let you know how our easter ham makes out now being done luau style as you so elagantly put it.
Robert, were you going to send me the recipe? theladd@hotmail.com
Would really like to try this. Sounds yummy..................
Sorry there Chief, Check your hotmail its comming your way, and HAPPY EASTER to you and your family.

Wow!!! My own discussion topic. I am truly honored and humbled. The ratio I usually use is 1/2 Dr. Pepper to 1/2 apple juice, depending on the size of your container. I had not thought of the lemon before, but it sounds good. On a cold night, I have had hot Dr. Pepper with a slice of lemon before, so it makes sense. Just squirt 'em every time you check the meat. Thanks to all for suggesting the membrane removal from the back. I did that this past weekend and it was awesome! I also found a recipe for a Coke based sauce that was very good. I'll post it tomorrow-got to get some sleep. I'm part of a crew going to the services for the two Houston firefighters that were killed Sunday morning.
Ok, as promised, here is the Coke based sauce recipe that I found.....

1 cup Coca Cola
1 cup ketchup
1/4 cup worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons liquid smoke
3 tablespoons A1 steak sauce
1 teaspoon onion flakes
1 teaspoon garlic flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

combine all ingredients, and gradually bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce to simmer and cover for 6-8 minutes....goes great with either ribs or sausage....my 12 year old son stands by the table and will eat the ribs as I cut them...
I don't blame the 12 year old fellow, the rib sauce sounds great....... I can't wait to try it, maybe on some chicken? Thanks Russ.
Labor Day is almost here and here's a great recipe for the BBQ bfore you put it away until next summer. Take a head of cabbage cut it into quarter sections. Then cut those sections in half. generously rub the cabbage with margerine. The next step is to coat with salt, pepper, garlic salt, & seasoning salt (Lowreys). Next take a piece of bacon (pepper bacon is best) but any will do and wrap each cabbage section with a slice of bacon. Wrap each section in aluminum foil and place on the grill and cook until cabbage is tender and the bacon is cooked. Goes great with ribs, chops or steaks.
Thanks for the tip I will have to try it
Seem your having A few problems getting that Secret cooking mix if and when you get it Send it to me and I will turn you on to a bad ass smoke process For chicken One of my secrets lol we all have a way to barbeque. The trick is to not change the process of how you make the main course note its in your seasonings time where you get good results timing is one of many tricks so if your looking for tinder get the best cut if your looking for flavor its all in the time you have indirect heat on the grill..... lets. Talk. Food


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