Hey all, Since this is a dog lovers group, Lets hear what everyones favorite breed of dog is.

I love German Sheperds, but I have recently found my Pekingnese, Oreo. I've got a picture posted.

Lets hear it.

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Golden Retreivers are my fave

i love dogs, i cant realy choose one breed, but i have to have a big dog, little dogs just seem like the're gonna get stepped on all the time. i guess one of my top favorites would be the Husky, or also the chow chow
My favorite by far is the rottweiler. Great danes come in second. Currently I have a rottweiler and also a boxer mix.
Here's my "Baby"...Kenai, he will be 2 in February. He is an alaskan malamute and is ever so glad it is snowing here today! He is the third mal I've been owned by...and I will never be without one.
I'm a fan of sled dogs . . . I've had Huskies and Malamutes, but the Alaskan Malamutes are far and away my favorite.

I love my Huskies and Mals hands down the best breeds for me :)
While I am partial to Dalmatians, my favorite has got to be the Rotties.
A friend emailed this pix, cause she knew I liked them.

can some tell me how i can get my dogs picture here on this page.
It is really hard for me to say that I have a favorite breed considering that growing up my mom raised shelties and German shepherds. Me I'm a lover of all. Right now I have such and assortment of different breeds...all rescued. But if I had to choose I would have to say its the Shepherd breed. I would love to have a Belgian Malinois or a Tervuren but right now I have my Dutch Shepherd and she is awesome! Except she is being naughty in this picture sitting in my chair looking innocent!


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