Mike France

Firefighters and Scouting


Firefighters and Scouting

This is for those of us who are either Active in BSA as leaders or have boys that are in Scouts or Eagles "ON MY HONOR"

Members: 114
Latest Activity: May 5, 2013

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

How many Eagles are on here?

Started by Chris Weber. Last reply by Jared micheal freeman May 5, 2013. 5 Replies

How many Eagles do we have on here?I'm just curious.I like to swap stories with other Eagles about their experiences,service projects,etc......I got my Eagle in 1989 with Troop 10 in…Continue

Fire Explorer Info

Started by E.J.. Last reply by David Elson Feb 18, 2011. 6 Replies

I was wondering if anyone can help me out with some background info on the Explorer program.I owe my recently found love of the fire service to my son and Scouting. Someone suggested he should ask…Continue

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Comment by Ryan James Johnsrud on November 10, 2010 at 7:07pm
I became an eagle scout in 1997. My project was renovating a local park. We put in new equipment, and safety features such as woodchips and landscaping borders. As with every achievement I've been honored to recieve my Eagle Scout Award happened because I had great people around me.

Glad to see so many Eagles in the Fire Service! Stay Safe
Comment by John Yarbrough on November 10, 2010 at 6:55pm
I'm a firefighter on west Millgrove FD and also an eagle scout
Comment by Chris Weber on September 14, 2010 at 12:50pm
Got my Eagle Scout in 1989 and then was an assistant leader for a few years after that.Still do the fire saftey training for local Scouts.Really enjoy it.
Comment by cody parr on August 19, 2010 at 8:22am
i am a firefighter on roscommon township fire dept. and i am a eagle scout
Comment by Chris Adams on August 12, 2010 at 7:54pm
I am a leader in Pack 738 in Fallbrook , ca. I do Special Events and do all the EMS training for the boys. My Boy Nick is 9 and is a weblo.
Comment by Bryan Goustos on July 15, 2010 at 10:34am
I'm a Beaver (5-7 yrs.) and Cub (8-10yrs) leader with 1st Borden Scout Group in Ontario, Canada. Both of my sons are in each program. I have been a leader for five years now, two years as the contact leader for the Beaver program. My oldest is a sixer and my youngest will be a white tail in September.
Stay safe out there brothers and sisters.
Comment by Norman E. Flanders on July 14, 2010 at 7:44pm
Chief Thanks for the invite.
I have two of my three boys who went to be Eagle Scouts and one who did not {complicated situation}, of the three two of the boys are firefighters.
Enjoy the involvement with Scouting: I was a Webelos Den leader {worked to keep the BSA troop active with new youngmen}, also served in the BSA Troop as Ast. Scoutmaster.
Stay safe. train often and share knowledge.
Comment by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on July 3, 2010 at 11:59pm
My son , Austin ,crossed over into Troop 293 here in walton trail district-Middle Tn Council . I was asked to Register as the "newest" Assistant Scoutmaster by the Scoutmaster.I gladly complied :)
I have survived a week of summer camp with my son and his troop when we went to the Blue Grass Council's ( Ky) camp KcKee . Austin was in a great first year camper's program were he worked on requirements for Tndrfoot ,2nd and 1st class ranks as well as completeing First Aide,Swimming and leatherwork MBs ! WOW ! am I proud !
Comment by David Elson on June 30, 2010 at 11:10pm
Looking for as complete a list as possible of Explorer posts. National BSA does not seem to be able to help. Have several Fire Explorere patches but don't know what state they belong in. Need the info for our displays. Can any one help? TNX and stay safe.
Comment by David Elson on June 28, 2010 at 11:48pm
Was unit commisioner while my son was in cubs and scouting. As an explorer we went airborne and started an Air Exlorer post. Was with the on call local dept in Mass when I wasn't out on assignment for USAF. Now down in Fla "working" on setting up a display in one of our local stations for helmets, books, statues, models and over 4,000 patches that I started collecting after 9-11. Still trading patches and doing some scouting activities as well.

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