Comic Books, Cartoons, Manga, Anime


Comic Books, Cartoons, Manga, Anime

Those That Collect Comic Books and Japanese Manga. Watch Cartoons and Japanese Anime.

Location: USA
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Jun 15, 2011

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New Issue Out

Started by ashfire. Last reply by ashfire Sep 26, 2010. 2 Replies

Disney Buys Marvel

Started by ashfire Aug 31, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by ashfire on June 15, 2011 at 7:39pm
Everytime you turn around a manga publisher closes its doors. One of the biggest companies that started it all Tokyopop cloesd its US operations and said some of the operations will go to Germany. I had 16 titles of manga I was reading and now I wonder if another company will pickup some of the titles. Some new companies have just come on the scene and have brought some interesting titles to the US.
Comment by ashfire on July 17, 2010 at 9:20am
If anyone remembers the 60s cartoon or Japanese anime Speed Racer then they may not know that the voice actor for Speed and Racer X died 7-15-10. Peter Fernandez 1927-2010 was a voice actor for other series Gigantor, Astro Boy, Marine Boy, Star Blazers, live action series Ultraman, Godzilla movies. He was also a director and live action actor. He even made a guest appearance in the live action Speed Racer movie.
Comment by ashfire on November 4, 2009 at 9:50pm
Anyone in the group attend comic book or anime conventions to checkout whats coming out on the market or trying to find items they they missed or need?
How about working at a convention as a sercurity or medical person.
I have worked one convention for years as a Attendee Managment Service person which means we provide sercurity and medical for those attending. We also do crowd control for events during the convention.
Comment by ashfire on November 1, 2009 at 10:25am
If you are into Japanese anime, you will find that most of the companies that produced the videos or DVDs have folded and other production companies have bought up the those old series and have put them back on the market. Some in complete or seasonal boxes.
Some of the companies were Steamline, Pioneer and ADV that closed their doors and companies like Funimation, Viz, Bandai and a few others have taken up the sells of anime.
A few printing companies have printed Japanese manga graphic novels even making them into American style comics have been reduced down a few companies. Viz, Del Rey, Toyko Pop and a few others.
The one thing is some of the for adult videos and manga for those that like them are out there. Those manga are the ones that are plastic wrapped on the book shelves unless someone has sat in a bookstore and read them instead of buying them and putting them back. Or in some places placed where little hands can't get to them which might take a step ladder or help from a employee to get it for you.
Comment by Jeff Taormina on May 7, 2009 at 8:32am
Another Comic book group.

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