
City Firemen

 A place for the Brothers and Sisters who Fight fire in the Cities. Here you can talk about issues,Good jobs you've been on or just BS.

  WARNING: Firefighters in this Group Love Goin to Fires & Give less than a damm about Saftety Vests!


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Comment by 55 TRUCK on June 5, 2012 at 8:30pm

 I am sure that most of you have read the "Fire through the roof" post.

  Again in this post. We Urban firemen are told how wrong we are in the way we do the job. Not by other City Firemen, but by those who have 20yrs on a small Vol. Dept. (Not there is anything wrong with that.)  It just seems that if they were so well read in the fire sciences as some claim to be. They might stop and think..."  Oh, perhaps those city guys that fight fire alot might no what there talking about." Or   " Hey, that city firemen his Engine company makes more runs in a month than my dept. does in a yr." 


  It is kinda like a  Small town Sheriff telling a Platoon of grunts in Iraq how they should do there job and that how they do it is wrong.


Comment by 55 TRUCK on May 6, 2012 at 12:19pm

 Do any of you know much about this Blue card command system?


Comment by 55 TRUCK on February 21, 2012 at 12:07am

STRATS & TACTICS. So I am taking this Fire Officer Strat and Tactics class. It is being put on at smaller carreer Dept. just north of Indy. About a 40minute drive from where I live so not to bad. The Dept. putting on the class has 7 houses, 60,000 Residence. Blue collar low middle income. They do get there fair share of fires. There are about 20 or so total in the class, a few of there Firemen the rest are from surrounding small paid or Vol. dept. I am the only City fireman in the class.  The instructor is one of the Chiefs for the dept. putting on the class. We will cover a scenario, ie Apartment fire. Afterwards he looks over at me and asks.."Is that how Indianapolis does it."lol... The guys in class said I should just copy our SOPs and give him a copy. I don't mind, I will say that the way we fight fire in Indy and in any City dept. Is alot diffrent from other smaller or even Medium size dept. Taking this class and then doing the NFAFEMA  sims online has shown me that.  

  Example, 1 sim is a simple Ranch with a basement, the basement is on fire. In the Sim, the first Engine goes to attack the fire great right. Then the other Co. come in and go to level 1 staging!!  Who goes to staging on a working residence Fire!! Then you have to tell people what to do!!!! What The F*U*K!!! How many times do you ever have to tell your Truck Co. To vent or do a search or tell your 2nd in Engine Co. bring in a  back up line!  The Simulation is the Stupidest thing I have ever seen!

  Must be written by the same Vol and small paid dept. Firemen on here who say the things we do are impossible according to there vast fire

  I would like to know how to contact the smucks who did the Sims on the NFAFEMA site or what ever it is.

Comment by 55 TRUCK on January 6, 2012 at 1:50am

 If you haven't  already check out this web site  Urban firefighter.

Comment by 55 TRUCK on January 6, 2012 at 1:47am

 Hey,Capcity. I have to  say that it turns my stomach to see your Chief changing your logo. We have do EMS but our gear says  IFD.

  Also we are issued all our gear. We do buy gear that has our Company logo on it. But since it is our property the Dept can not tell us where we can wear it off duty.

  My question is if you purchase winter gear with the new logo can you go bar hopping after? Snce it is your property.

  Another thing is that even though we are issued all our gear. Buy Indiana law we must be paid a clothing allowance. So every year we get around 450 smackers! In my case the wife gets 450 smakers.  lol!

Comment by WestPhilly on January 5, 2012 at 4:27pm

Safety vests melt. Very unsafe.


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