Okay, this is for all you EMT's and Paramedics. Have you ever witnessed to a dying patient in your rig while in route to the hospital? Or any patient at all? Or are we afraid something will be said and we'll get in trouble or upset the patient? I know for me, I will usually pray for the patient without them knowing it. There have been times though that a patient has been telling me about their problems and I will gradually lead the conversation towards my faith and trust in Christ. How about the rest of you?

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I have prayed for patients but haven't had much opportunity to witness, most calls I've had have been either a mad frenzy or a taxi ride.
I too have prayed for patients, but I have to agree. Usually, it is WAY to crazy in the back of the rig to get very far. I have had several situations where family members have asked me to pray with them before we got in the ambulance. I guess this is one of the nice things (and one of the worst) about rural EMS. Everybody knows you! I have also been very blessed to have had some GREAT follow discussions with patients or family members...either in the hospital or after they came home. I'm not very big on Political Correctness anyway, so I don't worry about getting in trouble or anything like that. People usually expect me to do the unexpected. My thought is that whatever we do in these situations can and will be the biggest testimony that we could give. We need to show Christ in all that we do. We hear it ALL the time...Patient Care. But...it is very true. Do we show HIS love in our actions? I know that in our area, just the simple signs of showing extra concern will profoundly affect someone's reactions and can get them thinking a little more. Without a doubt, this has been the thing that has opened the door for me to share my faith in the past.
I completely understand when you say things get crazy in the back of the rig. That's why on the way back from a crazy call I pray that I've done everything right and the best that I could have for the patient. I believe as a Christian we have an advantage for compassion for our patients. Even though their are those that will push you to the limit where your compassion tends to run out.
Political Correctness?? Whats that? (LOL). It sounds as if you and I may be of the same personality when it comes to government, right and wrong, and black and white. There is no in between.
Hey, have a great week brother.
ihave talked with my pts a lot about my faith and walk with hrist! i feel if they are close to dying or just need something to help them keep going in their won walk with Christ i can listen or even share!
i dont care about polical correctness either. i feel we speak so much through our touch to a pt and with my touch and compassion my pts feel my love for my lord and want to share that. i pray that i treat every pt the same (with love and understanding) no matter what!
That was one the first things discussed in my EMT-Basic class. The rule of thumb with us is that we don't discuss faith, religion, or politics. However if a patient says anything about faith and religion I'm not afraid to speak to them about it. However, I've never started a conversation myself. It is something that I was taught...by my instructor who herself is very faith oriented. I feel ashamed to say that I work in the realm of ploitical correctness, but I do have a pair of cross decals that I wear on my helmet. I say a prayer before every call and a quick one during the call. I pray that my touch and compassion will touch the heart and soul of my patient.
Brother, God bless you. My heart hears your cry, but the Lord God hears it much louder. His arms are wide open. Jump in!! Allow Him to take you from where you are now and allow Him to have His way. Everything else will come natural. As far as how do we stay strong? One, stay in the Word! Two, Pray! Three, Fellowship w/other believers. Thats why I'm glad this group was formed! I just wish we had a lot more participation. I'll lift you up in prayer for a deeper relationship w/Christ. Take care brother, stay safe and keep looking up.
Brother, just don't let political correctness get in the way of Gods prompting or telling you to do something. We serve a Mighty God! Take care brother, stay safe and keep looking up.
I have shared my Faith in Jesus Christ with many patients in the back of the ambulance. It isn't the easiest thing to do of course. We are there to offer medical support of course but the most important thing we can offer to them is the Gospel. Salvation through Jesus Christ is more important. In the event we get the opportunity to do such a thing, we have to remember that we are there to do our job as well and provide the best patient care possible in the whatever EMS level we are working at. Praying for the patient is a very powerful thing also. It is something we can do at any moment. Keep spreading the Word!
I had a patient who asked me why we don't carry a Bible on board. At the time, I had a Bible with me. The patient and I read from Matthew. When we returned to our base 3 hours later, I found out the patient had died and his family was pleased that I took time out and introduced him to the Lord. God had me at the right place at the right time.
I work in two kinds of ems one being corrections we have fire and Ems. The other being rural Ems.I pray ever day God help me do my best.I have prayed with and for my pt's. when in EMT-B class doing ride time I had a medic who prayed with his pt's and told me to all ways ask for GODS help in pt care and thank him for your skills.He told me this all so can help the pt feel more at home with you.Last year I had a Inmate who got hurt at roedo and had a c-spine Injury he asked me if I would pray for him and we did.One week later he was back and walking and thanked me for caring .
I said it was not just me it was GOD and he said I know.
I was once on an EMS call for a man that had cancer. He knew that he was going to die very soon. To my surprise, this man died on the way to the hospital. This was my first encounter of having someone die in front of me in the medic unit. But the amazing thing was that this man asked me to tell his family that he loved them for him before we left in the ambulance. I quickly relayed this info to his wife and grown children who were present. Before returning to the medic unit, I told them to pray for us both, not knowing that this man was going to pass on before we reached the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he asked to hold my hand and pray with him. I did. The calm that came over me was instant. One minute later, this new friend passed on. Since that day, I am not afraid to pray with critical patients. Even the ones that are not critical seem to relax. Some I pray for silently, some request that I pray with them. You never know when your time is up.
Hi! I just found this site and I love it!! I have found that in the world today most people appreciate your prayer. Some will outright tell you so, some will pray with you , some will ask you to pray for them, even if you pray silently sometimes you can see peace in the eyes of the patient. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Don't let anyone say otherwise!! We searve a Mighty God!


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