  • Male
  • Harbor Springs, Michigan
  • United States
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  • Don McMullen
  • Dana Smith
  • Justin Foster
  • John Cupps
  • Jeff Radle
  • Don Horn
  • Mark A. Duell
  • Harry Rogers
  • Garett Paige
  • Tim Goodwin
  • T.J.
  • Drew Fennell
  • Sharla

Stephen's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
RFC Fire/Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Wow...this is a loaded question. WAY too much to list!!!!
About Me:
I am a 28yr old truckie. I have a college degree that I am no longer using, but I love everything about what I do. When I am not on call or at work (which isn't very often), I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, two-tracking, playing with my pit bull Princess, and spending time with my wife...when I can.
Day Job:
Private Security and EMS
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I got involved with Fire & EMS because I like to think on the fly and use my hands. What other job do you get to break stuff and not get in trouble!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love what I do because every call is different. You have to think on your feet. Everything you do from putting a bandage on a little kid's finger to working a full code or structure fire is helping someone!

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At 7:01pm on May 21, 2009, Mark A. Duell said…
Stephen, bro, hows things going? Haven't heard from you lately. Hows the speech impediment going (LOL) You know what we were discussing before. Hey, have a great weekend and remember our vets. God Bless you.
At 8:57am on May 7, 2009, Drew Fennell said…
hey bro how you doin, good to see you at the last event. been for ever since i had a beer wit ya, take care may GOD always watch over you.
At 9:25pm on April 29, 2009, Jeff Radle said…
Hey Troupie,
I just read your message.
Thank you so much for the kind message that you sent me. That means a ton. I strive very hard to pull my weight. Usually that kind of stuff will go un-noticed as I am sure that you know. I take great pride in our department and you have been great by showing me the way. I really appreciate it. I also would like to let you know that if you ever need anything, I will be there for you bro. Thanks a million.

At 2:29pm on April 26, 2009, Mark A. Duell said…
Hey Stephen, Hows it going? Any action lately? We've been busy fighting wildfires/woods fires the last 2 weekends. The conditions have been just prime. 67, 80 acres at a time.
At 2:36pm on January 6, 2009, T.J. said…
Whats up, you ever visit this site anymore:)

WWLD!!!!!!!!!! :)
At 11:17pm on September 16, 2008, Darryll Hamlin said…
stephen! Hi I'm really sorry you have to work with tj. just kidding! from petoskey had to say hi to a neibor. you take care be safe,see ya
At 6:25pm on June 16, 2008, T.J. said…
whats up bro.............................more moonshine:)

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