Just wondering how many of you take a can with your search team? Our crew, has the driver put it at the door if it's needed. We have knocked a few fires with it.
Tongue in cheek, the engine crew can wait at the door :)

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I've used the can at a few fires,,, thank goodness the water was not shut off yet so as I could still flush!!!!
Not only do I have my irons guy bring it, but we use it. We've also used the extinguishers we find along the way as well, and we have been known to steal a line to see what that was like once. Too wet.
Our company does a good job with taking tools into even fire alarms. Some places they dont tank up for alarms or take anything in with them. We take the irons, tic, sometimes the heat gun, water can, and high rise packs if we go to the hospitol
During our business meeting or anytime we have a crew at the firehouse ( we are a vollie company) we have assigned riding positions and the can man seat is always filled. Said person had better take the can with him no matter what the call is. As far as the rest of the time, we fill the slot as needed, but it is always filled for any type of entry. Nothing worse than getin caught with your pants down.
On the truck and squirt (if acting as a truck or FAST), both have can-man riding locations, the tool that goes with it is the 6ft hook.
Just used the can this morning on a small fire in the bedroom of a modular home. Smoke alarms alerted the occupant and she was able to get out quick. Fire got caught early and I was able to knock it out. Talk about short staffing, only 3 or us were there. The chief, a lt., and myself.
Yes, we take the can with us. We have a shoulder strap for it so you can carry tools with it as well. My motto is, "The can in the hands of the right firefighter can knock alot of fire."
One of my favorite things to do is to find a fire before the engine and put it out with a can. The look on their face is priceless when I say, "you guys can put that back. we won't be needing it."

Mick brought up a good point of finding extinguishers. We had a fire in a warehouse one night. The engine was waiting to have their line extended. We searched ahead of them and started finding numerous extinguishers on the floor. A clear indication the fire was getting close. The fire had pretty much smoked itself out, but there were some little fires burning. We used the extinguishers to finish the job. I offered a hanky for the engine to wipe their tears away.
We have two hook/can positions on our Tower. On my tower if you are in the hook/can position and don't have the can with you, you can bet you will be carring it around the rest of the day. If I am the officer on the Tower and one of the can's are still there I grab it to take with me. Or I just snag one out of the building on my way up. That is unless they are laying out front of the apartment building that the call is at.
The hook man grabs the can. We arrived first at a 9 story apartment with a fire already venting on floor 6. Held it and almost extinguished it with a single 2.5 gal. PWC before the engine crew knew what hit 'em!
We definately use the can... Just a couple days ago the Truckies pretty much got a fire with the can and hook before the engine made a stretch...
It depends on what we have on arrival. If it is nothing showing it will be irons and a can. We have a large number of vacants in our district so we end up more often than not with very obvious fire conditions and thecan is a waste at that point and we will grab the 2 1/2 or in some cases the 3 and branch off from the nozel man with rope or webbing. Now, on the incidents where we have pulled the can we have had a few small trash can fires, electrical fires in the wall, ect where the can did the job. An yes we killed the main breaker before squirting the electrical fires. I have also put a couple of pretty decent grass/brush fires in check with a can while waiting on the brush truck from the neighboring department.



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