I'm not a dispatcher but yesterday, there was a call that went out for a lady's belly that was itching, it was so funny listening to the dispatcher trying to contain her laugh, I guess cause there were so many ridiculous call's that went out yesterday!! wished you could have heard her?? and then of course she went POV

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Cory- It is very strange sometimes. I dispatch for my towns police department. Some of the calls I just can't put out over the radio. Afraid I'll loose it. Thank God for Nextels. Have a happy 4th.
I know that feeling, wanting to laugh or thinking 'did i just hear what i think i heard? ' !!
I'll never forget one particular evening I was Playing company officer and well to be honest I think out of 30 incidents 27 of them were "Mine" so as the night wore on we was getting a bit "loopy " about the 7th alarm acivation that turned out to be sleeping while cooking... ended up something like Engine 4 to dispatch, eng 4 has a 3 frame occupied Multiple dwelling , evacuated , eng 4 will be Podunk command ...... Comand to dispatch? Podunk Command? You can put in the recall holding engine and truck for the FOS recall of alarm command reports , Umm command ??? what was that you said?? Command to dispatch FOS
Dispatch to command ?? Command to dispatch "This was yet another Culinary Misadventure" ...... dispatch recall alarm of fire, Command reports "Holding Eng 4 and Ladder 5 for the color ready in a denture" much to the gufaws of anyone listening that night
feel free, .. The best one I ever heard ever.. was during the early 80's in Da Bronx, The 6th division had just cleared an incident on a fairly busy evening , and suggested that he'd take the previous assignment, thathad been assigned a chief outside the district, now that he was available... but he requested the particulars ... as I said it was busy traffic wise and several times when the Bronx comm center announced the address the Apartment got cut off by either other bronx companies or staten island's com center .. after 3 or 4 attempts the frustration on both sides was becoming aparent and the apartment was one that phonetically could be easily mistaken, so the dispatcher the 5th time stated the street numeric and street , cross streets and "Apartment 4 C asin "BreadCrumbs" after trying 4 Charlie a few times.. well with the 4C advertising they're cheeses and other products so much in the NE at the time, it was easily understood ...lol sometimes it takes a little of the humor/shock value to drive home what your trying to say...


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