I wrote about their chief having been arrested over 15 times in ten years and he keep being elected chief. Well, he was arrested for stealing $15,000 FROM THE FIRE COMPANY and these knuckleheads elect him again a week later.

Being a 30 yr member of the volunteer service I know how politics work but no matter how much I like a person I'm not voting for him if he steals form me. I don;t know how mamny members they have, how much of his family is involved or what. But this puts a black eye on the volunteer fire service. I think this beats out letting a house burn down for money because they controlled who they vote for not an outside agency.

Check out Firegreezer.com for the full story.

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I'd have to agree with you, that is rediculous, I'm surprised they havent kicked him out. Our dept wouldve regardless of how much he was liked, this really looks bad for that fire dept and to some extent the volunteer service as well.

I am rarely speechless... but OMG... *GASP *

WOW i don't know how to respond that is just crazy.  Why would you re-elect someone who stole from you that makes absolutely no sense.  Also makes you want to know if Gomer Pyle lives there. 

Must be comforting for the citizens of the community to know that they are letting a thief into their homes, who has a criminal track record.

All you can do is shake your head and be thankful it's not your dept.

Were I come from a criminal conviction means instant dismissal, no second chance.  You don't let a paedophile work with children, you don't let a known embezzler work in a bank so you don't let a thief work where he/she has access to peoples homes.

The number of times this cat has been arrested, clearly indicate that something is wrong, But I wonder why there are no apparent convictions in all these arrests. At any rate, there appears to be a big problem not only with the "Chief", but the entire department, and township.

With living a half hour from Wilkes Barre, I cannot believe that it is happening this close to me. It is appalling to not only Wilkes Barre, but all fire departments in general. Both Carrer and Volunteer. When residents everywhere sees this, it puts the thought that maybe it is also happening in THEIR town, with THEIR money.

 there appears to be a big problem not only with the "Chief", but the entire department, and township.


I agree.

There in lies the problem is the lack of accountability at stake. Much can be said about the membership re-electing this person, but in reality, the Township elected officials should be doing something more. They should not have to abide by the membership vote, and should be able to remove the chief from his position. The only way they couldn't is if this were a district, but then again there should be a board of commissioners to step in as well.........We aren't seeing that, so is the "black-eye" really the FD and volunteers....or is it the elected officials of the Township???



For me personally, this is just another reason that I disagree with an election system for officers. Officers should be appointed, not elected.

Especially in the volunteer side.  If you have a contract with another Township or town they are going to start to question the vollies if they are using the money properly.  If they don't trust the Volunteers with the money they pay for fire protection then there is a problem.  Talk about giving the honest departments a black eye.

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