Anyone got any ideas what it is? I was thinking hawaii safe from the reality of bills and cold weather! jk Seriously in regards to wildland does anyone know the definition of a saftey island?
according to the NWCG online glossary of wildland fire termanolagy there is not a term "Safety Island"
this is the link for the site I will however ask around and look in to it more as I have never heard the term used before
Sounds like the same thing as a safety refuge, or area that has either already burned, or can't burn (ploughed under, slashed, paved, etc) that crews can retreat to if the situation deteriorates.
The idea of it being an "island" does not give me confidence, I'd rather have a peninsula, so I can get the hell out of there!
In Australia, a lot of rural towns have a designated refuge area (usually the local cricket oval) that residents can retreat to if they can't evacuate. This area has had it's fuel load reduces, and can be defended. Also, the fire brigades know that people will be there, so we can plan the resources to defend it!