What Will Be The Most Important Leadership Qualities for the Fire Service in The Future?

A constant theme found in every fire service organization, or any organization for that matter, is the extent to which the economic downturn has affected people, communities, and fire departments. When the economy begins to recover, does the fire service simply go back to “business as usual?” Is the
fire service, along with the rest of the world, undergoing a significant paradigm shift?

As the fire service moves toward the future it is experiencing significant complexity and uncertainty. This will create a sense of urgency for the right kind of leadership. What kind of leadership should that be? What are the most important leadership qualities needed to move the fire service through this time? Creativity? Fairness? Integrity? Humility? Global thinking? Openness? Dedication? Focus? In what order would you rank these qualities? Which one is most important? What other qualities would you suggest?

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Situational Awareness, Intelligent Delegation and staunch refusal to allow politics to dictate SOP.
Agree. One thing that has remained constant for more or less thousands of years is "people," or "human nature," and how to deal with it. An awareness of human nature is the basis on which all good leadership depends. Training and "good sense" can make the difference.
Yes, both internal and external politics can cause much havoc.
A good solid leadership program instilled yesterday should afford the leader of tommorrow, the tools needed to be ready for whatever occurs. If your not and find yourself looking at specific leadership traits or qualities, then more than likely you were (as an organization) less prepared for previous issues. My point is this is not the first, second nor the last economic downturn in which the fire service had to "survive" through.

Business as usual for some is just being well prepared on a daily basis.

Which one is "most important' is difficult to identify and very subjective because they all build a foundation for which the perfect leader should expound from:

21 Qualities to make a great leader are:

Character; Focus; Relationships; Charisma; Generosity; Responsibility; Commitment; Initiative; Security; Communication; Listening; Self-Discipline; Competence; Passion; Servanthood; Courage
Positive Attitude; Teachability; Discernment; Problem Solving; Vision

I just retired after 36 years and spent 20 of those as an officer. Future leaders just need to remember what has worked in the past. This is what worked for me.

1. Treat everybody the same (I don't care what gender,color, or sexual preference you have) all I want is for you to give me 100%.
2. Seniority has it's privilages.
3. Have fun everyday.
4. Treat your people like adults.
5. Don't complain about the rest of the department, only worry about your shift.
6. Stand up for your people, when they screw up, help them. When you screw up admit it.
7. Don't lie and be honest.
8. Do everything as safe as possible.
9. Have everyone including you, learn something everyday. Train, train, train.
10. Set a good example, do the right thing all the time.
Adaptability is the most important quality for new officers in the modern fire service. With the addition of all this new technology and a ever decreasing amount of fire calls, there is an increasing need to improve our training via technology to make up for the lack of calls.
I am sure Billy, that although this is true today, it will become more and more a requirement of good service leadership. The ability to discuss and argue policies in political circles. A successful chief will be less a firefighter and much more the politician.
Also, with more and more cuts at the sharp end of the service, would a recovery in the economic crisis mean that the numbers can eventually be re-established? I have serious doubts Billy.
"Business as usual" Isn't that what the fire department is all about? I mean it would appear, that no matter what the politicians throw at the guy squirting the water, he/she gets on with what he/she does best. There are just less of them to do it. The firefighter will always get the job done. Always has and always will.
David Evans. UK Firefighter retd.
this one comes out of left field, but i think that in the future more departments will be focused on "selling" themselves to the community. by that, i mean they will be taking a more active role in their communities and showing a positive grace to the general population. now this will go more for larger departments, especially for ones where many of the FFs live out of district. people tend to want to see a department succeed when they can easily put a face with a station.
not to say that the tried and true leader qualities will be tossed. i just think that a level of salesmanship will have to be integrated into the fire service in order to remain stronger in weak economic times.
1) Ability to manage time travel
2) Submission to our alien overlords
3) Managing fusion generator meltdowns
4) Fighting zombies

(exactly how far into the future were you asking about?)
My son would agree with the zombies. He's already read books on how to do that!

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