SAN ANTONIO - New photos of a San Antonio Park Police officer have surfaced, and the photos show the officer posing with a woman who is exposing her breasts.
Full story plus pictures at

This story highlights the importance of "thinking before you act" and also highlights yet again, the big issue of scrutiny, especially when on duty, regardless of whether you're a cop, a firey or an ambo....

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I was going to profer some corrections to statements made about Lutan1. It's not worth it - childish spitefullness.
It's interesting that Lutan is quick to point out the supposed "poor judgement" of the police officers in the United States while in his own country of Australia the highest official in charge of law enforcement was forced to retire because of his disgraceful conduct...
Kali, Kali, Kali.

Wrong state for me! And the person thrown out is an elected parliamentarian. Hes actually not in charge of the Police Force.

I think slamming our "brothers in blue" here on FFN is not very smart, but hey, Lutan's probably pretty safe throwing rocks from his glass house in Australia.
Nothing to do with slamming anyone Kali- it's about questioning their judgement while in uniform.

If you have nothing more of benefit to the discussion, then move on, build a bridge or whatever else seems to get you over this attitude you have over my posts...
Hey I think you call it as you see it.. That is what this forum is all about... Thanks for pointing out the other p[hoto as you see I could not get it on my work puter...
I can tell you that any firefighter who worked in the same city (or the same country) with these officers would not be so quick to "question their judgment" on a public forum, especially since they rely on them for backup in situations that their life depends on it, and in all situations that require decent working relationships.
Yeah right. Search throug hthese forums, firehouse forums and any other ones you care to find and they're loaded with fireys slamming cops.

Now, take a breath- go and reread the original post- I'll repost it below- at NO stage have I slammed anyone. What I have pointed out, is that scrutiny is a big issue today, which is particularly hard with today's technology, ie: smaller cameras, easy access to the web, etc.

This story highlights the importance of "thinking before you act" and also highlights yet again, the big issue of scrutiny, especially when on duty, regardless of whether you're a cop, a firey or an ambo....
Ah a website where everyone always agree's and lifes a happy place. What is this Hippies anonymous? Get a grip and grow up. Forums and blogs are meant for multiple points of views.
I personally have found there to be QUITE A FEW examples of the original poster doing his damnest to slander ANYTHING American. Can you rebutt that? Can you show me where he hasn't? Look deeply (or in his case not far) and you will see the Anti-American Sentiment he procedes to provide across the forum.
Thats if you can get past the "WWE wrestling" and other pointless crap postings. :)
Coming back to see what's going on, I see it's still going on but as replies earlier in the thread. Luke? I wouldn't bother mate. I've had to work with people like that - the key word being 'had'. But I won't associate with them on a personal level.
Surprisingly enough, can you guess which country drinks more beer per capita than any other? Could this have anything to do with the debauchery that brought down the Police Minister? The answer should be as clear as...

Are you stalking me Kali?

You seem to have taken a massive interest in my posts and now you appear to be researching my country of origin and what's going on there , to the point where you even informed me of something that I wasn't aware of! (Your link to the story about the sacked official was one I hadn't heard about before hand- thanks!)

Should I be afraid?
How about if you know that you don't like someones views on certain subjects and they make a post, DON'T READ IT. Nobody is holding you at gun point, making you read it, and if by chance you do happen to read it, leave it be, you don't have to respond. They are entitled to their opinion as well.
I think she's stalking me Caleb....
Not very professional while wearing his uniform!!! Also this Paints a bad picture for the boys in blue!!!
Besides there not even hot! LOL
Lighten up! Yeah, it was probably not the most professional thing he could have done. But is this really the biggest problem we can find to debate over. It's not like he was the one pulling the shirt up.
Well now, certainly a dumb move on the officers part. Whether on duty or off, if you are in uniform, you are perceived by the public to be on duty. While it is inappropriate behavior for the officer and probably against department policy, under the Texas Penal Code, it is not a criminal offense subject to arrest, unless the girl was under 18 and not his spouse.
And that is what Lutan said Oldman and I concurred. The post was about public perception, not legallity. As you say, when you are in uniform you're not an individual, you're the organisation. We tell the new members this, we impress on them that it's too easy to give the organisation a bad name.

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