SAN ANTONIO - New photos of a San Antonio Park Police officer have surfaced, and the photos show the officer posing with a woman who is exposing her breasts. Full story plus pictures at
This story highlights the importance of "thinking before you act" and also highlights yet again, the big issue of scrutiny, especially when on duty, regardless of whether you're a cop, a firey or an ambo....
The "cop" in the picture directly above this reply a) does not appear to be wearing a typical uniform shirt; and b) is holding some type of beverage container.
The pic at the top of the discussion shows a "cop" wearing an official-looking jacket which is zipped up to the top.
I'm having problems believing these pictures. I'm having problems believeing that sworn, professional law officers would have these photos taken. One photo, perhaps; but a series? I doubt it. With a glass of something in one arm, and a boob-exposed babe in the other? It doesn't pass the common sense test.
I'm having trouble believing these were bona fide law officers captured on film.
I'm having trouble seeing this as anything other than a BS hoax.
Blocked from at work so that might be the reason Puters at work block some stuff.. so all I could get was the first pic and that was it ..did not see this until now... I get wowowowowowowow