We've all experienced sitting through a class that is the infamous "Death by PowerPoint". (Some of us may even have taught a few using the famous technique.) However, for a brief second... let's assume there is no such thing as PowerPoint (and no overhead projectors or 35mm slide projectors for that matter). You had to deliver a cognitive class using no technology. How would you do it? Let's say you had to solely base your classroom time on your teaching skills and engaging the student. How would it look... how would it take place? Let me hear your thoughts....

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It's called a lecture and with the visual aids today, a lost art in my opinion.

Too many wanna bee's hiding behind the power of the technologically advanced media slide.
Go out to the drill yard and teach by doing
Powerpoint is just like any other teaching tool. It can be used well or poorly, it can be used for good or for evil. My team uses it all the time (I run a group of consultants for my day job) and we strive to avoid "DBPP."
Great ideas... but let's narrow it a bit. You have no way of using the drill field today... you have to use the classroom... how do you engage students? What are ways to engage students? No lecture... not the talking head... you have to teach a class and involve the student... what do you do?
Before there was powerpoint, there were chalkboards, whiteboards, overhead projectors, slide projectors, films, videos, DVD's, table tops exercises, and god forbid going out in the field and actually hands on manipulative training remembering the four key points for any fire instructor providing training...

1. Motivate
2. Prepare
3. Apply
4. Evaluate

Motivate your students right off, making them want to learn more about the subject matter. Death by powerpoint causes a shutdown for students mind at this point. Stop here... If you do successfully motivate your students, then you can prepare them for doing the skills or learning the information by sharing examples, war stories and any media outlet you can get your hands on to touch as many of the senses as possible, as the instructor trying to get through to the firefighters. Once you have accomplished this the firefighter is then ready to apply the skill(s) and then finally be evaluated to see if they grasped the concepts, tasks, information, etc.

That's how you teach students without PowerPoint...

Establish the goals of the lesson plan, review or demonstrate the behavioral modification desired, request a student step forward to assist with student demonstration, provide corrective measures during the demonstration and then field questions, answers and/or alternatives from the other students. Then ultimately ask the student to present the subject entirely on their own.

Now dependant upon the subject matter delivered, you can also form breakout groups, all with the same scenario, (or I have given each group different scenarios) have them brainstorm a plan, put their thoughts into words, have one student be the group speaker, then present their groups solution on the subject matter to the rest of the breakout groups. This way you can cover multiple subject matter when each group presents their findings. Instructor lead review with prompting or corrective measures, then ask if anyone else has comments to add.

This not only covers the subject matter, but provides personal and group responsibility, group interpersonal dynamics and time management.

I have more suggestions but I will let someone else step up...
I've taught safety classes to child care providers for the last 5 years. I used to use power point but people found it boring. I do better with a leacture type class. I keep them laughing, I tell stories as examples and do have a booklet they can reference as we go along. I ask questions to keep them engaged. One thing I found that works is to move around a little. I don't always stand in the front but might move to desk and sit close to the class or stand on the side so they have to move to see me.
Remember some people learn differently. Some by hearing. some by doing some by seeing. You must do all three in each class to make it effective.

NEVER BE THE ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY. I tell my class that while I have 30 years experience things change and while I have verified everything I'm teaching something may have slipped through the cracks. Happened with Shelterin in place. When I started there was hardly anything. 2 yrs later there was alot and many things changed. I had to call back over 100 people and tell them do B instead of A. It happens. If someone ask a question don't BS the answer you'll get more respect saying I don't know but I will find out and call you later.
well in the "old days" prior to powerpoint, we went outdoors in all different weather and trained with the apparatus as if we were on scene at a fire. The training session became a combination of practical and lecture sessions. Come to think of it, everyone seemed to pay more attention!
You will have great knowledge of the subject. You will have a lesson plan. You will teach from the lesson plan using your great knowledge of the subject. You will frequently ask questions pertaining to what you have said. You will use a marker board of some type. You will use a few related stories. You will begin and end the class on time.
I agree, Vic. It is a very valuable tool to be used at the right times in the right amounts. We, as instructors, need to mix our teaching techniques up to fit the situation and also keep the learning styles of our students in mind.
If you must stay in the classroom at least make it interactive. Ask questions and draw anecdotes (stories about personal experiences) out of your class instead of lecturing. If there are 10 students in the class try to make it an 11-way discussion on the subject. Do something different and unexpected every time. Everyone will enjoy the class more and learn more, too.
I'll take a chalk/white board any day . But i also do like videos for somethings

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