How do you see them in the line of fire? What are your opinions and veiws?

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Being a woman ff we do have to try twice as hard as a male. It makes me feel more driven then anything else. My motto for us woman is two words "NEVER WEAKEN"
This is a subject that tends to get peoples feathers ruffled. I personaly do not have a prob with women in the fire service. I know many women, that could out work a man, and have out worked me. The sad part is there are still a lot of men that think other wise, and that is a shame.
Said Brittany:

"...I'm just as capable of going out there and fighting fires alongside my fellow men firefighters as they are."

"Now, I haven't been on a call yet, but I have done some training."

That's funny, they don't let women soldiers on the first team.
A wise male Chief once said to me (a female Chief) "I have a HUGE problem with female fire fighters, I have NO problem what's so ever with fire fighters who happen to be female!" I think that pretty much summarizes it for me, and I couldn't agree more.
We have three woman at our station. Eventhough we always make jokes of them and fool them, they are hard workers and deeply respected by the guys.

As we say they're just one of the guys.
We all look the same when we are in the turn outs and have our SCBAs on. And I think that is all that matters.
well my mom was a career firefighter and a officer at the end of her career, all i can say is my mom showed me is that women can hold their own one the fire ground
we have three lady firefighters on department of 30 they work just as hard as the men i have been in fires with all of them i trust them with my life it's not firemen it's firefighters
we have a few ladies on our deptarment and they do the same job as the men firefighters. it don't matter what sex you are when the alarm sounds. it's a job that you enjoy doing most of the time. you are there to help people when they need you.
one of my most reliable fire fighter is a female no problem in my opion
I very much love 1, I am married to her!!!

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