When will they grow up?

In another controversial case racial tensions ignite, shining the spotlight of idiocy on a tiny majority firefighters- yet again.

A story from the Connecticut Post reports that an email sent by an FDNY Battalion Chief to the Captain at the Bridgeport CT Fire Department contained a small message at bottom. The Bridgeport Captain then forwarded the message, along with the "offensive content” to dozens of department members of various races on November 30, apparently inadvertently. The report claims the department is “an already divided department”

Bridgeport Fire Chief Brian Rooney said he initiated an internal investigation into the matter after it came to his attention on Wednesday, and sent a department-wide letter of apology.

"We don't condone this," the chief said in a telephone interview Friday. "It has no place in our fire service or even in our country. (The e-mail was forwarded) innocently -- it wasn't done maliciously. We're trying to cut it off as soon as possible ... explain again that there's a zero-tolerance policy."

Here is a link to the original article. It is accompanied by an unbelievable YouTube video of a so-called “religious leader” spouting some discriminatory venom.

We do not yet know who is responsible for the original message.

If you think you know, no you don’t. If you want to believe you know, you are lying to yourself. It's called pre-judging (as in prejudice). I'm looking forward to a complete and thorough investigation.

Then, in my opinion, the person(s) responsible should lose their job- for starters. These imbeciles are weak and noisy, and are not fit to be called my brother.

In a few days we begin another new decade here in the United States. Yet it seems that we are seeing more and more of these reports of prejudice and racial issues percolating and bubbling up to the surface like a noxious acid eating away at our souls.

For what?

Those of us who have been around for a few years know very well the stink of sexual harassment in the fire service. Although the problem still exists, there is much less tolerance of this immature behavior, and rightfully so. Agencies and municipalities were and are paying out huge sums of the almighty greenback to settle multi-million dollar sexual harassment lawsuits.

Why do you think you were mandated to receive specific, focused training regarding this litigation nightmare?

Follow the money.

Is that what it will take to get us “all growed up” concerning the ancient views of intolerance of a different race?

If we don’t have what it takes to police our own personal behavior while in the workplace WITH OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, then you’d better be willing to face up to the fact that your employer will be stepping in to show you how.

How much longer will it take before the hateful, bigoted, myopic, loud-mouthed imbeciles are called on their crap BY THEIR PEERS?

It will take firefighters that are have the cojones to stand up to the tiny minority of bad apples who think it’s still OK to spew the hatred that we all should have grown out of so long ago.

It’s not OK to enjoy the undying praise and admiration of children of all colors then turn around and act like a child.

Are you proud of the brotherhood you enjoy as a firefighter? Prove it.

When you hear an idiot start mouthing off, put a stop to the crap. Take back the pride of brotherhood you have worked so hard to earn.

Offended? Good. You oughtta be. Now go do something about it.

John Mitchell is a Lieutenant on a suburban Chicago fire department. He is a paramedic, fire and EMS instructor, certified fire investigator and Chicago Blackhawks fan. He is the editor of FireDaily.com.

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So what part should I get offended about? The email that was sent with the info at the bottom that the sender nor initial recipient state they knew it was there?
The jump to conclusions from the head of the Firebird society, who is stating that he feels this is how the BC and Capt feel?
The tirade of the reverend?

Which part?

See the difference here is that a comparison was not made that the fire service is an extension of the KKK. This was a forwarded email, which got forwarded and so forth. Either way, it looks like there is an investigation and hopefully things are cleared up. The statement could have been made from someone not even a FF, gets forwarded there is something regarding a 9/11 commemorative coin (what the two have in common? I don't know).
If this was sent intentionally, yeah I could definately see issues, thing is both parties in the spotlight state they didn't know the message was there. I'm just a plain ass firefighter and still get many emails and mass emails, forwarded and and so forth and honestly I don't read them all the way through. I can't imagine the number of emails BC Salka gets, considering he is a noted contributor to many fire service publications.

Yeah, you're right, this shouldn't be tolerated and isn't stuff that contributes to a brotherhood and also an issue that shouldn't just be swept off without an investigation. At this point though, it appears there is an investigation, it wasn't like a journalist coming on this site and making such a comparison as she did, I'm not going to judge until I knew more and I don't see a reason to get up in arms until the investigation is complete.

As for what I mentioned, yes I see issues with all of that, but I did see a jump to conclusions, I did see a tirade where the despised "N" word was tossed quite easily and I see a lack of foresight about information being distributed from ranking officers and a forwarded email at a poor timing for a dept. However, one thing I do see where this could be an accidental send is the Capt sent the email to members of various races. So my question there would be why send it to a diverse group of people if meaning to intentionally harm?
I believe I'm more offended by your attempt to publish stuff thats more in line with National Inquirer or Fox news. I would be more bothered if you posted on whether Jrs should ride on 1st out engines. Lets see where is that list that Jack created? What I care about and what I dont?
This is not about the "KKK blog", John. And I'm certainly not going to tell you what should offend you.

This is about stepping up to stop what you feel is wrong.

It's about having the cojones to stand up for what you believe in and not swallow any pablum thrown your way by a loud-mouthed "brother".

It's about brotherhood and maturity.
Sorry to offend you Chief. Have a safe, warm, and happy holiday!
"Rooney said Baker told him he didn't scroll all the way down before forwarding, and therefore didn't even know the message, sent from an unknown person to Salka on April 18, was there at the bottom."

I often see emails forwarded through departmental email regarding a variety of things. Typically it's a chief or captain that feels it's something worth passing on. I don't believe they examine it beneath a microscope before forwarding. I suspect in this instance that may be the case as well.

Not to say that the "unknown sender" didn't have an ulterior motive but rather that the captain just failed to notice the 'fine print'. I'd rather believe that than think that the captain did indeed know and sent it out intentionally. I'm sure eventually we'll hear the whole (or most of the) story.

Whatever the motivation, to me the video is the more damning. That someone would preach that crap, in the name of god and blatantly say that black men can't think and don't understand the world is egregious. That is the greater wrong. This 'preacher' thinks less of black men than does david duke. And that offends me. It is as offensive to listen to as it is to listen to david duke rail on about white supremacy. Only thing here is, the 'preacher' and duke are on the same page. Offensive, and sad. I suspect that the sender agreed with what the 'preacher' was saying, confirming his or her own racial prejudices.

There is no place for racism, sexism or intolerance of any kind, in the fire service or anywhere in this country. But it exists. And I agree that to not say anything, in the face of it only serves to condone it, tacitly or otherwise. But I am a realist and acknowledge that even in my small part of the world, when I do stand up to someone for having made an inappropriate comment or racial slur, it doesn't change their mind or how they think or feel about somebody else. It only makes them aware that they can't spew their nonsense around me. It doesn't erase their intolerance, but it at least shuts them up. That in itself is a start.
Well said, Jack. One nutjob at a time, my friend.
I wasnt offended Bro. Just didnt think it was a big deal. Stuff of National Inquirer or Fox news. Hey, if Jack responded to this then it couldnt have been all bad. His comments were pretty soft. LOL!
Too many nutjobs... so little time....
This is a classic example of "if you aren't going to take the time to go to the beginning, then just delete it".
I won't even open forwarded emails. I have too much stuff on my computer to become infected, so I won't even open ones from family members, let alone forward them.
Too bad though. Spotlight is on and I keep hearing a Looney Tune playing in the background.
Wow, what a surprise a call to fire a Fire Officer who, by all apparent evidence, inadvertently forwarded an e-mail with a long a circuitous history. Even after an apology was issued. I seem to remember posting a similar scenario in one of my replies on another thread here, and many people said I could not possibly know that this would happen. Forgive me if I gloat just a bit here. Oh Brotherhood, where art thou?

I know Capt. Baker. I have taken classes from him as a student and along side of him as a fellow student. Although we have never discussed racial issues I do not believe him to be a racist. While I am no longer in the fire service, I would be proud to serve along side of Capt. Baker any day.
Did someone call to fire Baker? I didn't see that, but I'll take another look.......

.......Nope, still don't see it. Did conclusion-jumping occur again?

Although I can't know for sure, I would put big money on the fact that Captain Baker is completely innocent. But the dirtbag(s) that DID put it on the email (probably from the sender's side of the communication, not Baker's) outta be dealt with severely.

Whether or not they are a fire officer has nothing to do with it. If they want to go public as a racist, then do that outside the great fire service.

Lik you say, we went from horses to motors, 3/4 to bunkers, and lungs to SCBA.

Using your own logic, I'm sure you would emphatically agree that it's time for another great change in the fire service, to go from the 1860's to the 21st century.
Not by name but the fact that the first post contains the phrase:

I'm looking forward to a complete and thorough investigation.

Then, in my opinion, the person(s) responsible should lose their job- for starters. These imbeciles are weak and noisy, and are not fit to be called my brother.

Now, since the investigation is being done by the city of Bridgeport, the only people they have the ability to fire, suspend or otherwise punish are city employees. Regardless of who sent the original e-mail to Chief Salka, the only possible violation of BFD policy can be by a BFD employee. Bridgeport can not even take any action against Chief Salka who is the next link in the chain to Capt. Baker. What scares me the most, having seen how internal investigations are often handled in my city, this is either a pointless waste of resources or a witch hunt, or maybe both.

Now from what I have read, it looks like this is, as far as Bridgeport FD is concerned, an unfortunate accident. It looks like, from the end of the "unknown sender" it may not be a violation of anything other than good taste and/or good manners. Either way, it would be impossible for this individual to be held to an internal policy for a city he does not work for.

Even if that could happen, I would think that there should be just as much outcry to "not mess with their livelihood" as there was with a magazine editor who managed to insult the entire American fire service with one sentence.

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