A Vermont firefighter responding to a car accident died when a fire truck rolled over him as it was backing up.

Police say John Horton, Marlboro Fire Department assistant chief, responded to a single car rollover Thursday afternoon. He and the fire truck driver, Anthony Gordon, decided to move the truck out of the way for an ambulance.

Police say Gordon saw Horton in his rear view mirror and backed up. He said he didn't see Horton again, and pulled the truck forward. When Gordon exited the truck, that's when police say he saw Horton lying on the ground.

The 51-year-old Horton, of Marlboro, was taken to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

An autopsy was scheduled for Friday.


Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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so very sad. Condolences to the family, friends and fellow FF's. Take care, be safe; enjoy life, it's precious.
if you get the ag branded camara oyu can get one for around $300.00 it dont repalce the guy backing you up but it sure helps you may see somting he did not also handy when geting out of the rig on that hiway you can see who is rubber necking and about to run over the guy geting out of the truck
I told my dealer what we were doing with it and he sold one to us and or MA depoartment at his cost
My thoughts are with John, his family, Anthony and the entire department. Horrible tragedy. We have a strict backer policy and I am very conscious of the possibility of running over my backer (We had a lady vollie run over during a wildland fire near Redding Ca some years ago). When I am backing, if I see that my backer isn't watching me (in addition to their surroundings) or if I lose site of him/her, I stop the engine immediately. I don't move until they come to me to see why I stopped. I do not move if I can't see everyone or know where they are. hopefully lessons learned.
My thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family. Rest in peace brother!
RIP brother!! I send my thoughts and prayers to his family and department!! You should have a visual on your spotter at all times if you lose sight stop untill the visual is regained.
Condolences to the family, friends and the department that has lost a loved one,

Safety is the Key and even safety sometimes fails us.

Scott, your point has taken a new meaning,

God Bless and Stay Safe.
What is so, as you say "Stupid"!?
Condolences to the family as well as to the department. Rest In Peace John.
RIP John. Our condolences to the family, friends and fellow firefighters. What a shame this accident was. Safety first and always.
Godspeed Chief Horton. May he rest in peace. My sincerest condolences go out to the Marlboro Fire Department.

As for the others here on FFN, I would suggest holding your comments as to why, and stupid, as the investigation is on going and there may be more to the incident then an AP newstory...

Mourn, pay your respects and await the findings and then learn from the tradgey. FETC
Our condolences and deepest sympathy goes out to the firefighters family and his firefighting family.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The volunteer firefighters of southwest Oklahoma

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