Hey, I'm an Peachtree City Fire/ Rescue Explorer and we get full turnout gear and get to take it home and everything and wanted to know if y'all did too??
We get full turnout gear but we dont get to take it home. We can take it to courses, like next year i'm doin FF1 and i can take my gear with me there. BUt that's it.
I'm from a combination paid/paid on call dept. in Virginia. The paid on call (volunteers) are issued turnout gear and a face piece when they get on the dept. We keep it at home or in our vehicle because we respond directly to the scene in pov's unless we have an interstate call. In our case, it only makes sense to keep your gear at home.
I got brand new gear at both the departments i belong to..the one is only nomex but the other department got a grant soo all of the juniors got new gear....we can only take it home from the one...i also have a leather helmet the i bought on my own
Our Firefighters leave their gear at the station and respond there to get them on to respond on the apparatus. The Chief and Asst Chief respond directtly to the scene with quick attacks and all their gear.
I'm a full time paid engineer with Old Fort FD in Summerville/Ladson, SC. We have the option to bring our gear home. The majority of us carry our gear in our POVs due to the fact that we are allowed to respond to calls off duty. We're a small department and welcome any and all help from off duty FT and volunteer personnel.
We can take it if we want, but we cant respond to the scene in our POV so I dont take mine. I just leave it at the station unless Im going to class or taking it to wash it or something like that...
Once we are cleared to ride a long we can take our gear home as an explorer. I am a college so my gear for my home town post is in my locker at my dad's station. Our "newbies" when they get there gear can't take it home. We are trying to transition to have 1 or 2 explorers respond to the scene and then have the rest meet at the post and carpool to the scene.