Hey everyone,

Im in charge of putting the firefighters into traffic vest. anyone use them? what type? were to get tem? do you like them? what would you want different? we have about 160 FF that I will be outfitting so some money will be spent im trying to do some research on them before hand...any help would be great!!

thanks much and stay safe

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yea people really are inatentive we had a working structure fire the other day and somehow some dud ran through the barracade and hit 1 of the firefighters nothing serious but dude got a fat ass ticket and the firefighter had a deep tissue bruise
I somewhat agree.....NFPA basically writes suggestions, OSHA and DOT standards are law.

One of the reasons that bunker gear won't meet the traffic standard is because it says there will be reflective striping on a high visibility florescent background (not sure of the exact wording)

And while I agree that if you do not wear them on emergency scenes on federally funded roads you are in violation of Federal law , there is not yet any punishment for not complying. (it's not like a DOT guy is going to come out, arrest you....and send you to a Federal Penitentiary)

this is great because this is exactly what everyone is saying on my department, some like, some hate, and some have no problem with them, then you go into what they look like, how many pockets...i like the idea of saving that money for only having the vest for each seat and switching when the shifts up with your relief...I have no problem with having one, its the older FF that have a problem with them. All i do is keep it on my turnout jacket and when im going to a "fire" call i simply just take it off the turnout to me its not a big deal....I posted this just to see if i was the only one with what seems to be "the great vest decision of 09"
Laws with no penalty…hmmmm…sounds like our smoking ban.

I would think no one is going to write a ticket, but should someone get hit and not have it on, get out the check book cause the fine is coming.
Brandon, not sure if you are the chief or if your chief is behind this law, but in most departments the chiefs word is law, tell them they have no choice. On a side note we ordered radio pockets but did not get them, I would think this would be a plus, especially since IC usually needs 2 radios.
The vests are supposed to be worn at all roadway incidents. You're not required to wear them on calls that don't take place in the roadway! Stay safe!
i agree with the others enough for the seats on the truck with a couple of spares tucked away there is no point out fitting every one
How can the police deaprtments issue citations on you not wearing your vest, when same said police department doesn't enforce their people wearing the vest?
This is the same type vest that our county bought so we did the same because it fit over the bunker gear if worn. You just do not want to be the one hit not wearing it because your insurance may not cover you for not following OSHA, DOT rules that are out there now. These are nice since they are tear away and adjustable for over gear. Just be safe out there.
It is another tool to help us be safe on the roadway. We've had ours for right at a year. It took a month or so for some of us to remember to put it on when we got out of the apparatus, but now it is instinctive to have it. The law says one for every riding position. Extras if you can afford them are good to have, but I wouldn't necessarily issue one for everyone, but hey if you have the money.
that would be a local or state law if the police can issue you citations......and cops can do just about anything they want (unless there is a video camera around)
We have them. They are issued with our gear. Yes, I hate them, but if you've ever been on a busy interstate trying to work an accident you know that there is no such thing as too much visibility. With all the nuts, cell phone users (some of which are taking pictures while they speed past the scene), and just everyday drivers, we need all the safety gear we can get. We do not wear them if there is an actual fire, but any other time we are near a road, they are required. We have the tear away kind, and just like everything else that comes around we will all get used to them

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